Archived Episodes
Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Keeping the Balance: why are both energies so neede...
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is so important right now. Men, are feeling exculded from the journey of The Great Shift of Counscioness. The Goddess Emergence includes the Divine Masculine that...
Do you have the energy to live your best life?
Mary Jane will talk about the physical, emotional and mental vitality needed to fully embrace your best life. Do you wake up excited and energized about the day ahead. Or are you just going through the motions drag...
Episode 758 - Conscious Creation
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
Empowering you with Soul Truth Knowing with special guest- Rev. Judi Weaver
This week on the show, Special Guest, Reverend Judi Weaver will be sharing about her experience with the Soul's Truth tellling and how we can LISTEN to it. As human beings, we each have multiple parts to us, ...
Creating a World that Works for Everyone!
Does the idea of people living together in thriving, cooperative, sustainable Communities based on the Highest Good of all life appeal to you? Have you ever wondered what this would look like and how we get there? ...
#757 - Conscious Creation
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
Attitude of Gratitude with special guest- Michelle La Vergne
This year of 2025 is showing itself to be one of extreme change. Whether we like it or don't is really irrelevant, because these times are demanding that we show up for ourselves in ways that many of us may n...
Five Goddess Sisters, why were they in Silence? What was the purpose of it all
The five Goddess Sisters are in silence. Pele' Marriha, Quan Yin, Isis, Gaia, and Goddess Belle are here. They all underwent a physical and emotional transformation during the last five years, learning to work in t...
Fetal Surgery Can Save & Better Lives-Dr Scott Adzick! Tips to Veganize Your Wardrobe-Sar...
Dr. Scott Adzick discusses advancements in treating birth defects & how fetal surgery can help save & better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth ...
#756 - Conscious Creation
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
High Vibrational Wellness with special guest- Lainie Sevante Wulkan
This special guest is the Founder of the Center for Intuitive Food Therapy, creator of 2 food oracle decks, and the author of several intuitive healing books using the power of food to nourish and enhance our exper...
Episode #755 - Conscious Creation
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
Impeccable Self- Care with Pam Bright
In this episode, Pam will share how she takes care of herself with her Full Body System Wellness protocols in the New Year of 2025. What does it feel like to take on wellness for you? Yes,...
#754 - Conscious Creation
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace
The Calm in the Storm with special guest- Jesica Henderson
When change occurs in life, the tendency in human beings is to judge it. Sometimes, there is so much going on that it can feel chaotic and scary. In this episode, Jesica Henderson, the executive produ...
Living with the Elementals, how are they here to help us evolve to the next level of cons...
Do you believe that faeries have rich and diverse origins in global folklore? Many do; they have come to assist us on this amazing Earth. Over time, they became associated with nature spirits dwelling in forests, h...
College Admissions and Scholarships Kevin Kenny & Afiya Thornton! Reset Button for The N...
Kevin Kenny: Level All cofounder and co-CEO and Afiya Johnson-Thornton: Level All Director, College discuss the importance of educational planning from a young age, as well as pers...
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kevin Kenny , Afiya Johnson Thornton , Valerie Greenberg
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
The Art of Being Fully Human with special guest- Amy Rose Romero
This week's special guest is my friend and personal growth and development enthusiast. Amy Romero is committed to living her life authentically and with all of the gusto that she can muster. As she does...
Create the 2025 You Want Through Intention with special guest Rev. Connie Stomper
Have you ever manifested what you thought you wanted only to find that it doesn’t give you the experience you’d hoped for? Do you set goals and find you feel like a failure when you don’t manifest...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
Encore: Happy New Year 2024 with special guest- Nanci Drew
Last month Nanci and Pam had so much fun bringing in the energies for December. So, we are bringing in the New Year strong, once again. What does 2024 have to offer all of us? Please join us as we...
A Goddess View on a New Year evokes imagery of renewal, empowerment, and timeless wisdom
She watches the earth, a sphere reborn from celestial heights, in the cradle of worth. Her gaze is calm, her spirit serene, and she weaves hope through the unseen fabric. A Goddess Love is Nurturing, Spiritual Love...
Encore: Keeping up in the Ageless Zone!
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