Archived Episodes
Have you ever thought why people come into our lives, then leave, and then return again
I often wonder why people come into our lives and then leave. Then as time passes, they return months or years later. Is there something on this journey of returning friends? Many of us are intutitive althoug...
Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Keeping the Balance: why are both energies so neede...
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is so important right now. Men, are feeling exculded from the journey of The Great Shift of Counscioness. The Goddess Emergence includes the Divine Masculine that...
Five Goddess Sisters, why were they in Silence? What was the purpose of it all
The five Goddess Sisters are in silence. Pele' Marriha, Quan Yin, Isis, Gaia, and Goddess Belle are here. They all underwent a physical and emotional transformation during the last five years, learning to work in t...
A Goddess View on a New Year evokes imagery of renewal, empowerment, and timeless wisdom
She watches the earth, a sphere reborn from celestial heights, in the cradle of worth. Her gaze is calm, her spirit serene, and she weaves hope through the unseen fabric. A Goddess Love is Nurturing, Spiritual Love...
Healing the Core Pain, Why is it so Necessary?
Brie and Cheryl will be discussing healing and releasing core pain. Why it is so necessary and imperative to never look back. How were they able to heal their core pain and embrace their own Mastery. Br...
Celebration of a Life Journey to Help Another!
Have you ever met someone that would give so much of themselves to help others? Well I have! During my transformations there was crying and alot of emotional healing that was needed. A very special guest and friend...
A Divine Journey Part 2
Dr. Brie will explain how she was able to handle all the Mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical effects. Years of transformations and why were they so necessary? Now it is 2018 Brie is so honored...
Speaking from Your Heart Center & Setting Intentions with Toni Greene
Join Dr.Brie and Toni Green: as they speak about setting intentions from a heart center. Talking from you heart center and what does hat mean? Dr. Brie and Toni Greene will discuss this subject very deepl...
Dr. Brie's personal journey of healing with Dr. Pat
In the last few months many changes have been happening on the planet. Dr. Brie will be explaining her personal journey of healing How it started to manifest and continue to grow till she finaly faced it. Als...
Encore: The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
True authentic self: Join Dr. Brie as she speaks her truth with Shawna Michels
If we want to live and love with our whole hearts, and if we want to engage with the world from a place of worthiness, we have to talk about the things that get in the way-especially shame, fear, and vulnerability....
The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Embrace Spirit, Discover the Afterlife with Maria Halvorsen
The energy and compassion of renowned spiritual medium, Maria Halvorsen, draws audiences in as she delivers messages of love, hope, and faith. Her extraordinary ability to link directly with spirit and her un...