Archived Episodes
Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith
Dr. Brie and Pia Orleane, Cullen Smith will talking about the shadow cycles and why they are so important. Your energy Birthdate and more, so join us for the informative show.
Healthy boundaries with Toni Green
On this show Dr. Brie and Toni Green will be discussing why we all should have strong and healing boundries. As the continuation of the new earth evolves "Ancient Energy of the Divine Feminine" we are fac...
Encore: The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Encore: Hear messages from the Divine Mother
Kathryn Leeman has brought messages to other's from The Divine Mother. Kathryn will be sharing her experience with The Divine Mother and how she became a channel to deliver these beautiful messages.
Terri Strauss Medium is back! You never know what Dr.Brie and Terri will discuss next pla...
Medium Terri Strauss is here to help us understand the other side after our loves have left us. Plan to laugh with Terri and Dr. Brie as we are here to understand and find the humor in the messages
Listen to author- Toni Green, The Ever-Evolving Journey For The Soul
Toni uses her skills and gifts to help people live the life they want to live. It's Toni's mission to help as many people as she possibly can with the time she has here! She will leave as many books, too...
Hear messages from the Divine Mother
Kathryn Leeman has brought messages to other's from The Divine Mother. Kathryn will be sharing her experience with The Divine Mother and how she became a channel to deliver these beautiful messages.
The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Hear Master Teacher Judy Cali as she brings through Adama "The High Priest of Telos"
Telos was created from the Lost Continent of Lemuria. The Telosians have been living underground for the past 12,000 years. They have created a civilization of Peace & Abundance, with no sickness, ageing or dea...
What and Where is the Truth with Actress Kathryn J. Leeman
Brie honors her special guest, actress and visionary Kathryn J. Leeman, as Kathryn shares her spiritual journey on how she learned to stand powerfully in her own tr...
On this show join us with guest Nicole Lewis-Keeber LCSW Life coach
Nicole Lewis-Keeber will be here to help others to understand different mindsets." I feel as if I have been coaching my entire life." I have done my own work and I have learned so much from my own work in life and ...
Renowned Psychic John Skyrman will join us today.
John Skyrman was born with intutitive, psychich and spiritual abiliites. He has worked in the psychic field for 30 years. When he was 12 had a NDE (near death experience). Since then he has been helping oth...