Archived Episodes
Law of Attraction
In this episode, Tanya will go over the basics of the Law of Attraction and how it effects your life. Realizing how you think, feel and act all impact the outcome of your...
Your Wish Is My Command
In this episode, learn the basics of the law of attraction, with Tanya Butson. Tanya will tell us how you can implement easy daily changes in order to make positive impact in your life. She will describ...
Spirit Take The Wheel
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole have dusted off the spirit wheel and are asking spirit to take over. This show will be full of readings, prizes, and more all led by spirit. Spirit knows what we need in...
Spiritual Imposter Syndrome
How many times have you doubted yourself, your abilities, diminished your accomplishments, because you felt that you were not deserving of the good in your life? Did you know this carries over onto our spiritual-se...
Mercury Retrograde with...
There has been so much floating out in the social media world that is leading people to feel a bit unempowered. Let’s take the big spiritual taboo going on at the moment, Mercury Retrograde. Don’t sign ...
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Co-Hosts: Psychic Medium Jaime, Spiritwalker Nicole
Guests: Ashley Tower , LaShawn Butler
Walking the Labyrinth Path
Join Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole as they talk about the power behind the labyrinths. On a spiritual quest in Maui these ladies walked the path that so many before them have walked. Interconnecting ...
The Practice of Forgiveness
Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole explore the meaning of forgiveness. They discuss what it means to forgive, how it helps your soul, and what to do if you’re just not ready. Psychic Medium Jaime pr...
“Demystifying the Akashic Records”
Using the Akashic Records as a grounded, real life tool to support you in creating and living the life of your dreams.
Crystal Spirit Readings-Why...
Did you know that you are drawn to crystals for numerous reasons? One reason we gravitate to them is because of their energetic properties. Another reason is we are being led by our spirit team. Some of us pick out...
The "Last Show Of 2020..."
What are you waiting for? Our manifestations don’t just show up at our front door knocking and waiting to be let in. You are the only one who has control to guide your manifestations into abundance. Take back...
Manifesting-How To Shift Your...
Join Psychic Medium Jaime and Spiritwalker Nicole on a month long journey where we will shift the remaining energy we have lingering from our past through 2020. We will shift the energy from a place of resist...
Fear or Intuition?
Have you ever wondered if you have held yourself back because you have mistaken your fears for your intuition? Have you ever stopped yourself from achieving your goals because you misinturppereted the signs?&...