Archived Episodes
The Body Can with Dr Randi Shannon
Arriving at a diagnosis can often be the hard part of a wellness provider. Dr Randi Shannon, ND has tapped into ancient wisdom of tongue, hair, and nail analysis with awesome results. Join Doc Martin and Dr Randi S...
Mirrored Cosmos with Charlotte...
We welcomeCharlotte back with pure Joy ~ This amazing non stop multidemensional Artist has added a lne to her Temple Art Studio that is a pure reflection of her Divine Connection to the Ancient Wisdom ...
Bridging Science and Spirituality...
Dr. Theresa Bullard is a Ph.D. Physicist, the host of “Mystery Teachings” on Gaia TV, and an International Spiritual Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. She merges science, ancient wisdom, and power...
Riding the Spirals of Time -...
Curious about how timelines, multi lives and realities work? In part One Ameera breaks down the concept of an Oversoul and how we exist simultaneously. In Part Two Learn how we are lite...
Mindfulness + Meditation:...
Cheryl Vigder Brause has a degree in Economics from the University of Michigan and a law degree from New York University School of Law. She has had many roles in her life (corporate litigator and investment banker ...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Host: Karen Betten
Co-Host: Colette Marie Stefan
Guest: Cheryl Vigder Brause
What Role Does Your Shadow...
Discover how your dark side can rule your life. Confront your shadow, don't run from it. See how by identifying and transforming your shadow, your life automatically improves!
Spring Equinox is Here - Ancient...
Dr. Cheryl will be speaking on the Spring Equinox. What does it mean at this time on THE NEW EARTH? Dr. Brie also will be talking about the ANCIENT WISDOM of the Spring Equinox.
Renee Baribeau The Practical...
Renee Baribeau is a Hay House author of Winds of Sprit: Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine. She is a wind whistler, soul coach, inspirational speaker, and workshop leader. Kno...
Living with Conscious...
Are you ready to move beyond fear and chaos? Living with Conscious Confidence is an easy, simple and practical connection with the thread of consciousness which will transform your life forever. Conscious Confidenc...
Encore: The Soul Awakening...
This is a prayer book for evolutionaries and activists, for deep ecologists, for spiritual seekers engaged in passionate renewal and for all those thirsty for a spiritually coherent worldview. The Soul ...
The Soul Awakening...
This is a prayer book for evolutionaries and activists, for deep ecologists, for spiritual seekers engaged in passionate renewal and for all those thirsty for a spiritually coherent worldview. The Soul ...
How to Work with Life’s Issues and...
This interview will explore how we can use yoga’s ancient teachings to lead a happier, more attuned life, connected to the Divinity within. We will look at the principles explored in the teachings of Asthanga...
Stand in your Own Power through...
Carmel Glenane Owner/Director of Atlantis Rising Healings Centre and Mystery School, has studied esoteric and psychological disciplines since 1975. Atlantis Risings Healing Centre is one of only 16 Crystal To...
Encore: The Reemergence of...
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Encore: Hear messages from...
Kathryn Leeman has brought messages to other's from The Divine Mother. Kathryn will be sharing her experience with The Divine Mother and how she became a channel to deliver these beautiful messages.
Hear messages from the Divine...
Kathryn Leeman has brought messages to other's from The Divine Mother. Kathryn will be sharing her experience with The Divine Mother and how she became a channel to deliver these beautiful messages.
The Reemergence of The Green...
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
A Goddess putting her foot down...
On this show Dr. Brie and Kathryn will be discussing very strong women that stood firm in their Goddess Light centuries ago. Brie will also discuss: How love is the answer to all. In the 5th dimension we ...
Today's show Learn about Brie...
This is going to be a fun hour We will be talking about our own journeys. How we started this journey together talking with other's and how we feel about Ancient Goddess Wisdom why has it made it's mark. It has bee...
Uncovering Your Sexual...
Ancient knowledge traditions across the globe have known for thousands of years that balanced sexuality is key to our health, wellness and longevity. As we begin to awaken as a collective, it is becoming clearer th...
Sex, Love, and Dharma: Ancient...
The people of ancient India developed detailed systems to analyze compatibility between people based on their dharma type. This book explores how the dharma types align in relationships to create harmony or disharmony...
Exploring the Fascinating...
The 12-type enneagram is ancient wisdom now available to us. It codifies and explains the different ways we think, feel and behave. Using the system improves every aspect of our lives - our love life, work life, we ...
Could Simplifying Your Life...
Do you ever get the feeling that simplifying your life is the answer to what ails you? If you said, yes, then you're going to want to meet Betsey Lewis, who says that the human race is being called to return to a simp...