psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

Up or Out with Connie Pheiff

Build a Business, Not a Glorified Job with Aaron Young

Aaron Scott Young, a lifelong entrepreneur, trusted advisor to CEOs and business owners and creator of The Unshackled Owner a program for entrepreneurs looking to build a business and not just a glorified job gives... 

  Monday, May 8, 2017

Host: Connie Pheiff

Guest: Aaron Young

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Up or Out with Connie Pheiff

What does Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs teach us about effective training?

Bet you never thought the seven dwarfs from snow white could prove 7 award winning and effective techniques of training. Snow White could still be sleeping without the 7 Dwarves. Do you remember their names? Happy,... 

  Monday, March 20, 2017

Host: Connie Pheiff

Guest: Brian Gracon

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Up or Out with Connie Pheiff

Failure Is An Option with David Phillips

Sure, you can call David Phillips, the founder of Faster Glass, an innovation consultant. But he is more accurately described as a provocateur. An instigator. A rebel rouser. And with the leadership skills to solve... 

  Monday, March 13, 2017

Host: Connie Pheiff

Guest: David Phillips

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Wendy R. Wolf