psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

Maximum Medicine Radio with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical and Scientific for Healing

More on Energy Medicine! Are we really all connected? Can a butterfly really flap its win...

Looking closer in to what’s going on beneath our vision, deeper into vibration. What is the Universal Field? Can we link up with this vibrational energy and impact the reality in which we sit?   

  Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Co-Hosts: Dr. Sharon Martin, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Maximum Medicine Radio with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical and Scientific for Healing

More on Energy Medicine-Impact on Healing with Soul Path, Destiny lines, Calling Allies &...

Energy Medicine – let’s look a little closer. Is the new age of healing about wishes and prayer? How do we harness our intentions to outcome? Can we really steer the currents of Universal Life Force? 

  Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Co-Hosts: Dr. Sharon Martin, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Maximum Medicine Radio with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical and Scientific for Healing

What Really Is Energy Medicine? What Makes for a Good Healer? Can I Do This Myself?

Energy Medicine – it sounds a bit woo-woo. How can it actually work? What makes a good practitioner – what qualities should you look for in a healer? And, can you heal yourself energetically? Wa... 

  Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Co-Hosts: Dr. Sharon Martin, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Wendy R. Wolf