I often wonder why people come into our lives and then leave. Then as time passes, they return months or years later. Is there something on this journey of returning friends? Many of us are intutitive althoug...
The five Goddess Sisters are in silence. Pele' Marriha, Quan Yin, Isis, Gaia, and Goddess Belle are here. They all underwent a physical and emotional transformation during the last five years, learning to work in t...
Do you believe that faeries have rich and diverse origins in global folklore? Many do; they have come to assist us on this amazing Earth. Over time, they became associated with nature spirits dwelling in forests, h...
Healing from the spiritual blueprint is a very spiritual yet scientific procedure. Dr. Brie will speak about healing from cellular consciousness following your spiritual blueprint to heal. The spiritual blueprint i...
Taking that leap of faith and walk through the golden door that is in front us. Walking through the door without self judgement and doubt. There are new ways in the 5th dimension to open all golden doors in our liv...