psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

Designing Purpose with Brooke Cretz: Your guide to finding and pursuing the career you were meant for!

The Reasons We Feel Trapped in Jobs (And Why They're Lies)

So you might KNOW you're not in the right place for you. You might have even considered quitting before. But something always seems to pull you back in before making a change. It's not the right time, you don'... 

  Thursday, July 27, 2023

Host: Brooke Cretz

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Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Come Home to Yourself

Feeling Stuck? How Connecting To Your Shadow Side (your inner-devil) Can Free You

Are you feeling stuck, bound by your circumstances? Maybe it's a career you no longer love but affords you a certain lifestyle. Or a toxic relationship that you hold on to despite knowing the drama it creates. The ... 

  Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Host: Lore Goldstein

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New Light Living with Ulrika Sullivan: See your life in a new light

Do You Feel Stuck? Start Here. STOP Waiting!

Are you playing the "waiting game"? What does this do to you? Playing the waiting game keeps you away from who you truly are. Your true self. Many women feel stuck, stressed out and inadeq... 

  Monday, December 30, 2019

Host: Ulrika Sullivan

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Just 2 Choices...It is Your Life with Author Rico Racosky

Choice is the heart of his unique and vital new book, Just 2 Choices...It Is Your Life, which is the forefront of what promises to be a global movement, the “Choice Revolution™.” The book... 

  Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Rico Racosky

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Wendy R. Wolf