Archived Episodes
The Galactic Connection ~...
Have you wondered about the role of galactic involvement during the transition of humanity? We'll be talking about The Galactic Connection, Laura's experiences, and how to understand, accept, and utilize assistance...
Embracing the Expansion of 2019
Every year, we Review, Release, and Renew with the intention to experience the new year in its fullest expression. What’s different about 2019? How can we utilize these differences with utmost ease and grace,...
Encore: Universal Integration and...
Did you know that your meridian lines can connect with the earth's ley lines, and that the ley lines flow into the universal grid? Have you ever wondered how to connect? In this show, we'll explore the unique syste...
Encore: Releasing Your Barriers On...
What does it take to become your fullest version of yourself? When barriers are released, you can move forward with clarity allowing your true self to connect with your light. Tune-in to learn more from Laura and D...
Our Spiritual Odyssey of...
Have you been curious and even confused with all the information about ascension and what it means to us individually and collectively? Please join in LIVE as we talk about the Spiritual Odyssey of Ascension!
Moving Into The Fullness of...
Are you wondering who you really are, why you came and what you’re here to do? Join us as we talk about the privilege of being on the planet during this time and how to have a better understanding of it all!
Universal Integration and...
Did you know that your meridian lines can connect with the earth's ley lines, and that the ley lines flow into the universal grid? Have you ever wondered how to connect? In this show, we'll explore the unique syste...
Wisdom and Oneness-...
Have you ever wondered how other people's "stuff" affects your life and how to get rid of it? We'll explore what REALLY works, and how it can work in your life too!
Releasing Your Barriers On...
What does it take to become your fullest version of yourself? When barriers are released, you can move forward with clarity allowing your true self to connect with your light. Tune-in to learn more from Laura and D...
The Nine Lives of Laura ~ A...
Learn about High Frequency Healing with Laura Barton and her spiritual odyssey...