psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

The Kornelia Stephanie Show

From Life SUCKS to a Life of SUC-cess! We can convert our lives and create A-BUN-DANCE!...

How YOU can Go from Life SUCKS to a Life of SUCC-cess! Do the A-BUN-DANCE!   Hummingbird Jewel gives her wisdom and guide-Dance! 

  Friday, November 15, 2019

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Hummingbird Jewel

Guest: Leslie Hocker

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Hummingbird Jewel shares her story of coming from the other side of the tracks to a Lifes...

 ***** The Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect…..Are you always responding to events?  Without goals or a life plan we can be pulled along our life  without taking time to realize and re... 

  Friday, October 18, 2019

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Hummingbird Jewel

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Wendy R. Wolf