psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Come Home to Yourself

Having a chaotic internal state can impact your environment, other people, & even your pe...

When you are scattered and ungrounded, your environment starts to reflect that very same chaos. Does it seem like others in your life are short and irritated with you? Are your pets acting up? Things slipping at wo... 

  Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Co-Hosts: Lore Goldstein, LMHC

Guest: Ginny Branden

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Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Come Home to Yourself

Finding Peace Through Surrender During Times Of Grief & Loss with Special Guest Angela De...

The death of a beloved pet or loved one. Witnessing the physical and mental decline of an elderly parent. Loss of a job, and sense of “normalcy.” These can all push us into a tailspin, creating a bottom... 

  Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Host: Lore Goldstein

Guest: Angela DeSousa

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Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Come Home to Yourself

Are you tired of not being you and doing you? Get ready to crush the “should's” and “nee...

Do you start your morning in a frenzy, and then spend your days all stressed out trying to keep up with your long list of “should's”? Or do you start your day feeling calm, connected and confident in wh... 

  Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Co-Hosts: Lore Goldstein, LMHC

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Wendy R. Wolf