Archived Episodes
Rising Signs
In this episode, we'll delve into the fascinating world of rising signs. We'll start by defining what a rising sign is and why it holds such significance in your astrological profile...
Spring Training for Spiritual Olympics
Would you like tools to strengthen your “spiritual muscles”—-providing the inner resources to deal with challenges? Do you want the freed...
Eclipse season
In this episode, I'll discuss how to best work with eclipses and the influence of the upcoming eclipse energy on your birth chart. I'll also dive into the astrological weather in March and the energy of Venus and M...
Solar returns and why I don't recommend astrology apps
In this episode, I discuss how a solar return reading and a birth chart reading differs and why I recommend having both. I also share how my latest in-person events have soldified my dislike of astrology apps. ...
Creating Balance in Unstable Times
In this episode, I offer insight into how I create balance in my own life when the world around me feels overwhelming. I also invite you to follow along with one of my favorite techniques for quickly reducing anxie...
Unlocking the north and south nodes
The north node of destiny is one of the most important placements in your chart to finding and embracing your purpose. In this episode, I cover the importance of the north and south ...
Handling burnout when the world is on fire
In this episode I’ll cover the different types of burnout along with how to manage, recover, and acknowledge your limits. We'll also dive into
All About Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming
In this episode, I’ll cover the differences between astral projection and lucid dreaming, how to achieve them, and my personal experiences with them. I’ve found both tech...
Let's Thrive In 2025!
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All About Boundaries: Setting, keeping, and reflecting on your personal boundaries in a c...
In this episode, I'll cover how I found my own boundaries and the process I do each year after the holiday season to reaffirm and reflect on how my boundaries have shifted. I'll also cover my top tips for keep...
The Beauty of a Blue Holiday
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How to Live Life As if It’s Rigged In Your Favor * *Rumi with Guest Dr. Connie Stomper
How is life “rigged in our favor” from a higher perspective?How can seeing things as “rigged in our favor enhance a sense of PURPOSE in our lives? How do we “embrace” a higher pe...
Using Magic to Thrive in a Corporate World
In this episode, I’m sharing my top tips for working with the energy of a company and the specific projects you’re assigned to. I'll also cover how to navigate difficult ...
Astrology Insights: Transits, Squares, and Trines
In this episode, I'll be diving into astrology specifically covering transits, squares, and trines. These are commonly used terms in astrology that I want to define and help ori...
From Darkness to Dawn: A Journey through the Soul's Trials
Welcome to this week’s episode of Transformation Talk Radio, where we delve into one of life’s most profound experiences: the Dark Night of the Soul. Often described as a period of deep inner turmoil an...
Entities, Demons, and Ghosts Part 2
In this two part episode, I'll cover topic of entities, demons, and ghosts to kick off a spooky Halloween week. I'll also share the different types of entities, how they can attach to your aura, and drain your ener...
Entities, Demons, and Ghosts Part 1
In this two part episode, I'll cover topic of entities, demons, and ghosts to kick off a spooky Halloween week. I'll also share the different types of entities, how they can attach t...
Our Discouragement Matters To God
As we journey through life, we are sure to experience discouragement. On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be giving us some divine words of encouragement straight from the Book of Ezra. So...
The Do's and Don'ts of Spiritual Protection
In this episode we’ll be diving into the do’s and don’ts of spiritual protection. I’ll share the tips I use to protect and strengthen my aura, how I protect m...
Teachers day-Honor our mentors!
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Building your spiritual toolkit
In today's episide we'll cover building your spiritual toolkit, where I’ll share my recommendations for must-haves and introduce to a few tools you might be unfamiliar wit...
Human Design: Breaking down the 5 energy types
The energy we put out in our daily lives is a precious resource. Human Design is a wonderful tool for shaping our decision-making, environments, work style, businesses, and unique gifts. In this episode, I'll ...
Peace is the path
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