Archived Episodes
The Impact of Stress on Mind, Body & Soul!
We live in a stressful world. Bad news seems to hit us every day. In this powerful episode Dr. Rose Kumar and I are going to explore the impact chronic stress can have on our hea...
Transformation & The House Of Mirrors... Are you reading the signs or ignoring higher op...
The house of mirrors is always in action… (as Rev. Christine calls it) From your “frustrations and disli...
Your Life choices… are they working for you?
“Your Life Choices”… Are your choices based on instant gratification or a longer term plan? Whic...
The Shifting Landscape
The political landscape is evolving every day, affecting everything from the economy to social justice to the future of democracy. With so much happening so quickly, how do we begin to make sense of it all? How do ...
Anxiety or Intuition? Decoding the Language of your Body
Anxiety is simply a message. But how do you know if you are receiving a true gut feeling, or if it's just your fear spiraling out of control? By decipheri...
How to avoid burnout after a spiritual awakening (essential listening for spiritual workers)
This episode is essential listening for spiritual workers – people who are at risk of burning out unless they take action to keep that inner flame alive. In this episode you’ll discover: – What sp...
Reading the signs… How do you know if you're on your life purpose?
Join Rev. Christine and Dr. Pat for this juicy discussion on life purpose... do we have one and if so, how do we find it... and do the choices we make moment to mome...
When the Holidays Don't Feel so Happy, What Can You Do?
In this episode, I cover the taboo topic of holiday heartache. What happens when we aren't exactly feeling the holiday cheer? We have options. We can choose to perpetuate the feelings that have become so overwhelmi...
Emotional Triggers - stopping them!
Most of us know emotional triggers are associated with PTSD but all of us have them even if we don’t have that serious condition. We’ll talk about how triggers are emotional compulsions, so the reaction...
Holiday Happiness - how to have it! Repeat!
It’s just before Christmas and everyone has high expectations. What can I do to make it a better holiday for everyone in the household? In this show we’ll walk you through some practical steps so ...
Dealing With The Holiday Stress
The holidays are a great time of year for many of us but the holidays can create a great deal of stress as well. Who did you want to throw the turkey at this Thanksgiving. Let's discuss the holidays and the unneede...
Right Speech: The Art of Compassionate Communication
The Noble Eightfold Path, the core of Buddhism, is a practical guide to ethical conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom. It comprises: ...
What to Do if You Screwed Up Big Time: 5 Steps to Stop an Anxiety Shutdown and Start Reco...
What do you do when you seriously screwed up and are paralyzed with panic? In this episode, Jen walks you through the 5 Steps to stop spiraling and start solving.
Steady On
How can we maintain our balance in a world that feels unstable? Between political, social, and environmental issues on a macro level and professional and personal concerns on a micro level, it’s no wonder man...
Managing Your Triggers Through Compassion and Awareness
Do you get triggered easily? Discover ways to prevent relationship rupture due to triggers. Learn about impact vs intent, and how to have a compassionate and open-minded approach to potentially volatile i...
Social Anxiety: How to Master Social Events with Social Anxiety (Even When You Have to Go...
Is social anxiety holding you back? If you suffer from social anxiety, this episode is for you! This is the time of year when organizations have social events, mixers, work parties, and f...
Parent Stress: How to Manage the Pressure and Get the Help You Need Now
Parents are more stressed than ever, and we all feel it. The Surgeon General just released a report calling this a crisis, as it is affecting the mental health of our children. Tune in as Jen and parenting exp...
The power of NLP when combined with hypnosis
All transformative change occurs in the unconscious mind. This is why therapy targeting the conscious mind will have minimal impact at best. One of the most powerful gateways to the unconscious mind is hypn...
Discovering True Fulfilment with Special Guest Richard Lawrence
Why people search for spiritual answers to life in general and to their life in particular. This search can lead to true fulfilment. Watch https://www.transformationtalkradi...
Grab Those Reins and Live Without Stress
Quote: Counter the creation of stress in your life by creating peace as your alternative to support you functioning in high vibration. ...
Encore: The Healing Power of the Four Elements - Episode 1 - Air - with special Guest Nat...
The Healing Power of the Four Elements is a brand new mini-series on The Empower Me Show. We will be exploring the energ...
Vitamin G for Overcoming Sugar Addiction with Sue Brown, author, health coach, and recove...
Sue Brown lost 52 pounds in 52 weeks when she was 52 after a lifelong struggle with sugar addiction. She is a health coach, author, and speaker, and she lives at the intersection of neuroscience and nutrition. Her ...
Living in Stress and Living in Flow
So many of us live very stressful lives. In what way does too much stress impact the functioning of our brain and ultimately our wellbeing? Watch https://www.transformationt...
How does resilience show up in our life?
What is your understanding and what role does the brain play when it comes to resilience?