psychic talk radio

Archived Episodes

Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

Scholar: Roman Caesar Created Christianity for Control - part 2

Part 2: Scholar Joseph Atwill joins the program to discuss the historical records of the gospels and the writings of historian Josephus. He believes, based on these records and those of the Dead Sea Scrolls, that t... 

  Friday, March 2, 2018

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: Joseph Atwill

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Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

Scholar: Roman Caesar Created Christianity for Control - part 1

Part 1: Scholar Joseph Atwill joins the program to discuss the historical records of the gospels and the writings of historian Josephus. He believes, based on these records and those of the Dead Sea Scrolls, that t... 

  Monday, February 26, 2018

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: Joseph Atwill

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Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

Catholic Faith Divided: Traditionalists Forced Into Hiding? TradCatNight

Eric Gajewski, found of TradCatKnight, joins the program to share his views about the growing divide in the Catholic faith. He believes the Vatican has betrayed Catholics and have traded in their faith for a global... 

  Friday, January 19, 2018

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: Eric Gajewski

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Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

Elite's Education is Different & Rome Never Fell with Prime Minister David Williams

Prime Minister David Williams rejoins the program to answer questions from the last show and to discuss more paradigm changing ideas. He discusses the set up of Vatican City, Washington D.C., and the City of London... 

  Monday, October 2, 2017

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: David Williams

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Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

International Laws Control the World w/Prime Minister David Wiliams

Prime Minister David Williams rejoins the program to discuss how international laws control the world. He also discusses who makes those laws and how and why they are the supreme law of the world. He also... 

  Monday, September 18, 2017

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: David Williams

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Business Game Changers Radio with Sarah Westall

Pope Francis views on International Crime, World Bank Forum on Crime, Pt. 2

Part 2: Dr. Emilio Viano, President of the International Society for Criminology, voting member of Law, Justice, and Development Forum for the World Bank, president of the Bellagio Forum for World Security and Soci... 

  Saturday, August 12, 2017

Host: Sarah Westall

Guest: Dr. Emilio Viano Ph.D.

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Wendy R. Wolf