What happens when women stop holding back?
For centuries, we’ve been told to stay quiet, be nice, and not make waves. But the cost of silence is our power, our truth, our very...
2020 has been a rough year for most of us. Trying to remain safe from Covid 19 and also dealing with the enormous economic disaster. How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones and still live a thriving joyful ...
Getting Neutral to Politics, Politicians and Women’s Rights! Many people have strong opinions and feelings about one or more of these topics. On the plus side, this can lead to positive actions such as gettin...
The United States is supposed to stand for freedom that all men are created equal, but in today's America, it doesn't feel that way. The president seeks to bar transgender people from the military and Muslims from ...
Dr. Pat discusses her compelling article bringing attention to matter most have gone unaware of for many years.
Are you aware that if Hillary Clinton is elected as P...