Archived Episodes
Five Goddess Sisters, why were they in Silence? What was the purpose of it all
The five Goddess Sisters are in silence. Pele' Marriha, Quan Yin, Isis, Gaia, and Goddess Belle are here. They all underwent a physical and emotional transformation during the last five years, learning to work in t...
Healing from The Spiritual Blueprint. Why was it so important During the Holidays, it is...
We agree to follow the path the creator has given us. How does the Spiritual Blueprint Relate to this in your healing journey? During the Holidays, it is easy to fall off the Spritital Blueprint due to fami...
Healing from the Spiritual Blueprint.
Healing from the spiritual blueprint is a very spiritual yet scientific procedure. Dr. Brie will speak about healing from cellular consciousness following your spiritual blueprint to heal. The spiritual blueprint i...
Encore: Happy Thanksgiving 2023
This week on the show we get to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States of America. It has been honored as the day of giving thanks for our blessings by many people from many walks of life and many tradit...
Embracing the Fiery, Fierce, Loving Goddess Within
In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the essence of the Firey, Fierce, Loving Goddess archetype—a bold, unapologetic force of nature that embodies passion, strength, and boundless compassion. Togethe...
The Making of the film “It’s Time” with special guest Gail Lynn
Let’s discuss why I made this film and how it magically came together. And, why I am offering it for FREE to spread more love and kindness.
Encore: Introduction to Swiss Hypnotherapy
Why Swiss Hypnotherapy? Tune-in LIVE on FB and learn the benefits and how Swiss Hypnotherapy can help you move f...
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Co-Hosts: Barbara Scheidegger CHt, Dr. Pat Baccili, Barbara Scheidegger CHt, Dr. Pat Baccili
From the Shadow to Goddess Emergence with Special Guest Dr. Pat Baccili, Ph.D.
Listen as Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. shares what the Creator set in motion for her return from the shadows, to healing, to emerging, to Transformation Talk Radio™ and The Transformation Network™. ...
Take PRIDE in who you are with Pam Bright
This week on the show, Pam will be taking a look at the month of June as a celebration of the PRIDE community and how each of us can take pride in who we are as individuals and as a collective of humans doing this ...
Going into the Vortex with special guest- Arlene Arnold
This week on the show, I am bringing Arlene Arnold back as one of my colleagues in the world of transformation and empowerment. As global leaders in the spiritual community, Arlene and Pam will ...
What Did 2023 Teach Us?
What did 2023 teach you? Are you prepared to bloom?
Happy Thanksgiving 2023
This week on the show we get to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States of America. It has been honored as the day of giving thanks for our blessings by many people from many walks of life and many tradit...
Seasons of Change and Channeled Messages with Pam Bright
This week is the beginning of September which means that it is the healing and light language channeling episode with Pam Bright. We're looking at the energies of the #5 and how these are creating the conte...
Why Chemicals Cannot Heal with Doug Godkin from Ameo Life!
Why Chemicals and laboratory created products cannot heal the body. America is in a health crisis, with too many people dependent on chemical based health products, personal care products and foods.
DARZIK: Mates of the Alliance with Guest Fionne Foxxe Farraday
Fionne Foxxe Farraday’s smoldering hot Mates of the Alliance series continues with DARZIK, a slow and sensual follow-up to the steamy kickoff found in the first installment. Hope and Heat Abound in Ta...
Soul Medicine: Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimage with g...
In Soul Medicine, Dr. Edward Tick shares from decades of studying and implementing Ancient Greek healing practices and rituals for people suffering and seeking healing today. Journey into the mysterious fo...
Animal Wayshowers: The Lightworkers Ushering In 5D Consciousness with guest Tammy Billups
Animal Wayshowers reveals that once we become aware of the soul path of our animal companions, we are then able to connect with them soul-to-soul, support their soul missions, and find the healing we need ...
Mind, Body, Spirit – Add Energy, and You Have It All with Dr. Sharon Martin
Healing is often broken down into components – mind, or body, or spirit. Underlying all of these is Energy. How can we shake up an old pattern (physical or emotional or spiritual) and get something new,...
What is Happening with Divine Guidance? with Special Guest Patricia McNair
Connecting with Patricia of Divine Guidance!
PTSDreams: Transform Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork with Linda Sch...
Linda Yael Schiller shows you how to turn anxiety-filled or heart-pounding dreams into resources for spiritual growth. Her four decades of experience in both dreamwork and trauma treatment provide the reader with g...
Empowered and Trusting Your Intuition with Guest Cindy Smith
Join us to find out how Cindy empowers self and teaches other to do the same. How do you change doubt into trust? Am I imagining the guidance or are Angels really helping me? Learn how Cindy created step by step in...
The Awake Dreamer: A Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, and Mastering the Dreamscape...
In The Awake Dreamer, readers will learn how to utilize the dream state to expand their consciousness, reach out to loved ones in heaven, and use their sleep state to fully realize their ...
Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of ...
Providing a deep dive into the literature of psychology, quantum physics, neuroscience, philosophy, and esoteric texts, Sobhani also explores the relationship between psi phenomena, the transcendence of space and t...
Sacred Sendoffs with Sarah Bowen
Combining humorous anecdotes and thought-provoking research, Sacred Sendoffs: An Animal Chaplain’s Advice for Surviving Animal Loss, Making Life Meaningful, and Healing the Planet explores human...