Archived Episodes
Encore: Receiving Your Solutions
Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to change? Learn how to open your energy field and receive the transforming love and healing you truly desire.
Encore: Correcting the Misdiagnosed
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about correcting your misdiagnosis. You may have been doing the wrong spiritual work or on the wrong path due to not being diagnosed properly. Listen and call in for t...
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...
Encore: Diagnosing Your Spiritual Condition
Do you keep repeating the same patterns? Do you have blocked chakras? Uncertain of your relationship? Are you attracting negative energy? Are you living in your path and purpose? Is your life on pause?
Speaking from Your Heart Center & Setting Intentions with Toni Greene
Join Dr.Brie and Toni Green: as they speak about setting intentions from a heart center. Talking from you heart center and what does hat mean? Dr. Brie and Toni Greene will discuss this subject very deepl...
Encore: Anatomy of the Spirit
The structure of the mind body and spirit, how these portions of self work and function together. The understanding that the spirit is the conductor of our total well-being. Let's learn how to address our spiritual...
Path and purpose
What is our purpose? what path are we on? and is our path leading us to our purpose? On todays show Carol and Justice talk about your Path and purpose
Dr. Brie's personal journey of healing with Dr. Pat
In the last few months many changes have been happening on the planet. Dr. Brie will be explaining her personal journey of healing How it started to manifest and continue to grow till she finaly faced it. Als...
LOVEon today show Carol and Justice will be talking about love, how to keep it how to break unwanted spiritual patterns, the cause and the repairing of stagnant or unwanted energ...
Archangel Gabriel and New Moon May 25th
Archangel Gabriel brings guidance for the new moon on May 25, 2...
Receiving Your Solutions
Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to change? Learn how to open your energy field and receive the transforming love and healing you truly desire.
Encore: The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Correcting the Misdiagnosed
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about correcting your misdiagnosis. You may have been doing the wrong spiritual work or on the wrong path due to not being diagnosed properly. Listen and call in for t...
Diagnosing Your Spiritual Condition
Do you keep repeating the same patterns? Do you have blocked chakras? Uncertain of your relationship? Are you attracting negative energy? Are you living in your path and purpose? Is your life on pause?
Anatomy of the Spirit
The structure of the mind body and spirit, how these portions of self work and function together. The understanding that the spirit is the conductor of our total well-being. Let's learn how to address our spiritual...
True authentic self: Join Dr. Brie as she speaks her truth with Shawna Michels
If we want to live and love with our whole hearts, and if we want to engage with the world from a place of worthiness, we have to talk about the things that get in the way-especially shame, fear, and vulnerability....
The Reemergence of The Green Goddess! Have you heard of her?
The Green Goddess is an ancient aspect of the Great Mother in her many forms. Humanity, now in adolescence, is ready to receive assistance from the Green Goddess who has returned to help us authentically connect wi...
Love is Here and Always Will Be
In times of great transition, Love can be challenged but...
Embrace Spirit, Discover the Afterlife with Maria Halvorsen
The energy and compassion of renowned spiritual medium, Maria Halvorsen, draws audiences in as she delivers messages of love, hope, and faith. Her extraordinary ability to link directly with spirit and her un...
February Update: A Message from Archangel Anael
Dr Jenn shares an unexpected visit she had with Archange...
Encore: Soulmate or Soul Lesson?
Is the person you love or the person that you can not get over from the past your soulmate or soul lesson? Tune in as we discuss why our hearts , minds , and auras hold on to certain people . Is the one you love in...
Tune in and discover how to identify who the people in your present life time were to you in your prior life time. We will discus...
Be the Light You Seek: Angel Guidance for Dec 2016
Be the Light You Seek in the World. Guidance comes as a ...