Archived Episodes
My journey to alcohol-free living & the key to bliss with special guest Jessica Suzanne
The personal journey, what’s possible, and the Radiant Revival Freedom Experience from Kiss’d by Bliss! Watch https://www.transformationtalkradio....
Encore: The Genius Within – Unleashing Your Inner Power
The Power of Your Thoughts: The bridge between living your genius and unlocking the power within begins with tapping into the transformative power of our thoughts to transform our lives with grace ...
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Co-Hosts: Donusia Lipinski, Dr. Pat Baccili, Donusia Lipinski, Dr. Pat Baccili
Encore: The Healing Power of the Four Elements - Episode 1 - Air - with special Guest Nat...
The Healing Power of the Four Elements is a brand new mini-series on The Empower Me Show. We will be exploring the energ...
The Level Up with Serene Enigma
This episode will focus on the conscious and unconscious motivation it takes to level up and soar and how to get there.
Smooth Sailing? How to Navigate Life’s Transitions with Special Guest Sarah Mane of Damay...
The key question we all face is how to deal with change and life’s challenges. How do we maintain our equilibrium and our self-confidence s we pass through the many transitions of life? Join Dr Pa...
The Relevance of Now with William Linville
Explore the many facets of Yourself, Your Heart, Your Thoughts, Your Emotions, Your Beliefs Systems and Your True Identity with new clarity. Let yourself expand beyond old thought patterns and prior experience, int...
Animal Wayshowers: The Lightworkers Ushering In 5D Consciousness with guest Tammy Billups
Animal Wayshowers reveals that once we become aware of the soul path of our animal companions, we are then able to connect with them soul-to-soul, support their soul missions, and find the healing we need ...
The Story of Gaia: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of Our Conscious Planet wi...
Exploring our emergence as self-aware members of our planetary home and entire Universe that is a unified and innately sentient entity, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., shares leading-edge scientific breakthroughs and shows h...
BREAK through the LIMITS of the BRAIN Neuroscience, Inspiration, and Practices to Transfo...
The book debunks scientific materialism’s brain-based explanation for consciousness and intelligence—including the brain-as-supercomputer and artificial intelligence models—and explains instead th...
Revelations from the Source with Barbara Hand Clow
An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow. The book offers an in-depth experience of alchemical transmutation to cleanse old parts of th...
The Secret That’s Holding You Back with Vincent Genna
Become Unstoppable! What’s Holding You Back? Psychic therapist and medium Vincent Genna explains the mechanisms and processes at work—your brain has unconsciously created blocks that sabot...
Quitting The Blame Game with Guest Love Coach Mariya Graestone
How to let go of judging and blaming others so you can stop judging and blaming yourself! Watch/Listen https...
Kabbalah of Light with Catherine Shainberg
Catherine Shainberg's book, Kabbalah of Light - Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illuminate the Soul, shares 159 short exercises and practices to tap instantly into your subconscious mind and receive...
Encore: How to raise your consciousness with Special Guest Richard Lawrence
Our purpose here on Earth is to raise our consciousness through the lives in our journey back to our Divine Source. There are many ways to accomplish this and numerous different paths are offered, some far more eff...
Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Cons...
In author Ora Nadrich's stunning new book, Mindfulness and Mysticism, she brings together the practice of Mindfulness with a spiritual understanding of becoming one with a higher consciousness...
Love of Light: A Guide to Peace and Oneness with Dr. Lisa Collins
Love of Light: A Guide to Peace and Oneness provides step-by-step guidance to reclaim peace, tranquility, love, and connection. The new book Love of Light A Guide to Peace and Oneness explores what life would ...
Shamanic Breathwork: The Nature of Change with Linda Star Wolf
In Shamanic Breathwork, The Nature of Change, Linda Star Wolf in partnership with her husband, Nikolaus Wolf, not only bring you their decades-worth of teachings and experience, they bring tog...
Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality with Na...
Offering a practical guide to the key principles within the Egyptian temple tradition, Naomi Ozaniec explores the process of creating and developing a personal relationship with the Neteru, the divinities and force...
Living an Intuitively Inspired Life…with Kimberly Barrett
How many of us run through life on automatic pilot, doing the same thing every day, not being fully present and feeling like life has no meaning for us. Many of us finding ourselves feeling blocked, stuck and like ...
Blast from the Past: Healing Spontaneous Past Life Memories with Shelley Kaehr
Spontaneously recalling past life memories while traveling or interacting with certain objects is a phenomenon experienced by people all over the world. With Blast from the Past, you can turn that experien...
Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World with Paul Levy
Levy explores how artists, philosophers, and spiritual traditions across the ages have been creatively symbolizing this deadly pathogen of the psyche so as to help us see it and heal it. He explores how the...
Freeing Ourselves from Unconscious Racism Episode with Author Brett Bevell
In this episode author Brett Bevell discusses techniques for freeing ourselves from racism! Watch live on Facebook.
Healing with Light Frequencies:The Transformative Power of Star Magic with Jerry Sargeant
Star Magic Healing aligns you with high-vibrational Consciousness Codes and extraterrestrial light frequencies that expand your consciousness, shift your vibration, and speed up the healing process. The aut...