Archived Episodes
Valentines Angels with Sue Storm!
From Romance to Finance, there are Angels for success. The Angel for finding a soulmate or bringing more romance into your relationship is called Terina, Angel of Attraction. The Angel for love is named Tara, and t...
Angel Insights: Taurus Full Moon
We find our strength and wisdom in the calm. ...
Turn The Way You Think, Feel, and Act about Money...... Inside-Out
Once you realize that the flow of money to meet your needs and desires actually emanates from the inside - out, instead of from the outside - in, like most of us have learned through social norms, then you can begi...
Guest Host Lynn M. Brown: Intuitive Healers Have Infiltrated the Corporate Matrix
4 incredible intuitive healers - 4 different corporate roles. We are infiltrating industries that you likely can't even fathom. From Lynn Brown in the financial industry, Peter an IT guy, Danielle a soda company ex...
The Internal and External Transition to Our New Consciousness
Join Dr. Pat and Co-host Lynn M. Brown as they discuss how we are shifting from our current limited state, to a higher vibration and level of consciousness – a more spiritually evolved state, free from many o...
For the Love of Money: A Spiritual Perspective with Christine Upchurch
Although money may be a necessary part of living in this material world, many consider it to be unspiritual in nature. Yet is it possible that this negative perspective about money is all wrong? Join self-empowerme...
Introducing Money as a Consciousness
Everything on the planet has a Consciousness and a role in the Ascension of Mother Earth and the people on the planet. Just as we match and learn from ascended masters, so too can we do this with the vibration, and...
The Questionable Parent ~ Dr. Glenna Rice MPT: If Money Wasn't the Issue What Would You C...
How can asking this question change everything you are asking for?
Full Spectrum Finance
A new era of prosperity is emerging. It is quickly becoming critical to tend to your inner wealth game so that your outer wealth may emerge. Today, we will begin to explore the consciousness of prosperity and why i...