Archived Episodes
Creating a Daily Practice for Empowerment with Gates of Power Nomi Bachar
Nomi offers a very specific technique for creating a practical and grounded daily practice. A practice that keeps you centered, inspired and consistently moving towards your fulfillment in all 7 areas of life.
Feb 2016 Angel Reading Power Hour with Dr Jenn
Time for an hour of inspiration, encouragement and insight from our angels. Be sure to call in during the live broadcast 800.930.2819 for your angel message. Dr Jenn Royster will also be delivering new messages for ev...
Accelerated Expansiveness and Abundance with Devra Ann Jacobs. Don't Miss This Special Sh...
This is a special time in the Universe - Dr. Pat and Devra Ann will be discussing Divine INTUITION, IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION, INCLUSION & INTENTION for ...
Write/Right From God with Tom Bird
The New York Times says that 81% of Americans believe that they have books "stuck inside of them" that they just have to get out. Now, what if that vast number of people are actually being drawn by Source to do so?If ...
Aligning with the Heart and Love with Michele DeMoulin
Imagine a way to fully align with your heart, to feel love for yourself, others and the planet, and to be able to do this easily and within a community! Reverend Michele DeMoulin is creating such a community with her ...
A Soulful Awakening with Stephanie Banks
Have you ever had an experience that changed you and your life forever? Today's guest, Stephanie Banks, had a tragic accident that nearly ended her life, but instead, she was not meant to die, but meant to transform a...
Step into Nature: Enliven Your Spirit and Imagination with Patrice Vecchione
Do you spend more time than you wish indoors? Want to enliven your imagination? Want to revive your spirit? Spend some time with author Patrice Vecchione and discover how close nature is and how easy it is to engage w...