Archived Episodes
Even Coaches Need Coaches with guest Coach Peggy Willms!
Often when we are experts in our own field, we forget we still need guidance and support. We also get complacent and hover in our comfort zones. Doctors need their own doctor. Teachers lean on other brilliant teach...
Spiritual Transformation: Angel Insights on Full Moon in Scorpio
Spiritual transformation is all about releasing, clean...
Muddy Roads Blue Skies: My Journey to the Foreign Service, from the Rural South to Tanzan...
An Unforgettable Journey from Rock Bottom to the Top of the World. Muddy Roads Blue Skies is Vella's inspiring, deeply personal account of her amazing journey from the backwoods of Georgia to the far reache...
Spiritual Awakening: New Cycle Begins
Dr Jenn calls on the angels for guidance as we now step onto a new path...
Angel Insights: Sept. Equinox and Full Moon
Be fearless and free comes into focus. The energy stir...
A Joy Journey with Lynn Hord; The Secret Weapon for Creating a Happy, Fulfilled Life
Fun and practical ways to bring more joy into all areas of your life from relationships and work to business.
Angel Guidance for March 2018
March rolls in with a full moon to get things rolling....
2018 90th Annual Oscar Nominations: The Diversity Breakthrough or NOT? Plus The Good News...
After months of campaigning (and arguing about which films are most deserving), the nominations for this year’s Oscars are here. Are you happy? Sad? Disappointed? or just don't care? Dr. Pat has some ve...
Encore: Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Just 2 Choices...It is Your Life with Author Rico Racosky
Choice is the heart of his unique and vital new book, Just 2 Choices...It Is Your Life, which is the forefront of what promises to be a global movement, the “Choice Revolution™.” The book...
Intuitive Angel Readings with Dr Jenn Royster
Time for inspiration and motivation to move forward. We’ve been dealing with great tugs on our heartstrings recently. Forcing us all to make big changes and let go of anything or anyone, that...
Leaving Your Corporate Job to Pursue Your Dreams with Deb Acker
So many of us have a dream we'd like to go after but are scared to pursue our truth. We stay stuck in our 9-5, hoping something will change, though it never does. In today's episode, we'll discuss the top secrets a...
Someone Else's Opinion Does Not Have To Be Your Reality
Les Brown, an internationally known public motivational speaker, talks with Dr. Pat Baccili on ignoring the opinions people may have about you to bust through crust to an incredible life.