When the Bright Moon Rises: The Awakening of Ancient Memories is Dena’s story of her rich and extensive past lives.
When the Bright Moon Rises is first and foremost a love story: love between the sage...
Believing without seeing...recognizing the signs. To feel is to heal. Dispelling self-limiting beliefs about death and dying. To love....The ultimate goal!
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If you are looking for answers in your own spiritual quest and a more natural way of healing the body, this book will benefit you in a multitude of ways. It is an intimate sharing of personal experiences showing th...
40 years after they founded Soundings of the Planet, Dean and Dudley Evenson are still going strong with their Peace Through Music mission. They discuss thier recent trip to France, their COVR Visionary Awards, upc...
Gretchen’s teachings focus on the areas of sound, healing, and vibration – with the ultimate motive leading to the past remembrance of one’s self – that everyone is a being of light, ev...