Archived Episodes
Encore: Bright Language Channeling and Energy Healing transmissions for July with Pam Bright
It's full on Summer in the Pacific Northwest! July is packed with yummy energies of transformation and full on spiritual manifestations. From what I have read, July is considered to be the Super Buck mo...
Bright Language Channeling and Energy Healing transmissions for July with Pam Bright
It's full on Summer in the Pacific Northwest! July is packed with yummy energies of transformation and full on spiritual manifestations. From what I have read, July is considered to be the Super Buck mo...
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...
How to mend a broken heart?
So many of us have been through painful unwanted break ups , separations , divorces or disconnections. whether these disconnections are through our intimate love-life life , lack of connection to family members or ...
Karma type
In order to transform and heal our karmic path and patterns we must understand the type of karma we are containing. Not all karma is negative. Even negative karma can be transformed into positive energy. Healing, t...
Expected Progress You Can Achieve from Spiritual Diagnosis with Carol Dorian
A healing and progress report from listeners who have received the proper spiritual diagnosis from Carol Dorian of Spiritual Diagnostics. Achieve amazing results - learn what your expectations should be and what yo...