Archived Episodes
Overcome Fear and Learn to Move into Life’s Flow with Author Andria Corso
Based on her bestselling book, Fear to Flow: How to Give Up Your Struggle and Allow Life to Unfold Perfectly, Andria Corso will talk about the false fears that keep us stuck and struggling through life, ho...
The Transcendent Mind: The Missing Peace in Emotional Wellbeing with The Quantum Psychoth...
Sunita Pattani proposes the concept of a Transcendent Mind and how it relates to emotional healing. In an age where depression, stress and anxiety have become such common terms, she asks that we deepen our approach...
Part 2
The Silver Gaia Show is formed to bring forth new information supporting the ascension process happening on the planet now. Our goals are to explain what is happening and why, share new knowledge and truths, teach ...
Part 1
The Silver Gaia Show is formed to bring forth new information supporting the ascension process happening on the planet now. Our goals are to explain what is happening and why, share new knowledge and truths, teach ...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully ...
Chakra energy and healing
chakra energy find out if your energy is responding to you or what has happened to you learn about your 12 chakras and information and answers that are contained in your a...
Moving Beyond Duality with Dr. Dorothy Riddle
Why is “us versus them” thinking a problem? Why do we keep behaving in ways that are harmful to ourselves and our relationships? We talk with Dr. Dorothy Riddle about how we learn dualistic habits at an...
Full Spectrum WOMAN
What if, instead of being raised by society to “be a lady,” you were raised to be a Winner? What if society didn’t expect you to follow “feminine” interests, but encouraged you to foll...
Paris in Oakland: A Story of Hope, Faith & Perseverance--How One Family Overcame Lyme Di...
Follow young Katherine through her battle with Lyme disease, a deeply broken medical system, and the fight for her life in the Oakland pediatric intensive care unit. Paris in Oakland is a story of hope and faith wh...
A New Psychology of Human Well-Being with Author Richard Barrett
Richard Barrett is one of the most profound integrative thinkers of our day. With A New Psychology of Human Well-Being he has taken his and our journey, a step further. He brings together numerous strands of resear...
Wild n Crazy Friday: Readings and Prizes! Be Sure to Join Us
Friday's Psychic Love Doctor Show is going to be a *blow out* of an hour! Personal Prophesy card readings will be conducted on the air. (Call in during the show or email me with your questions:
Part 2
Artie Hoffman's Angels and Answers features features Artie Hoffman and Sky Siegell, Your Favorite Psychic Mediums. Artie and his guests discuss all of life's personal and daily topics filled with enthusiasm, passio...
Part 1
Artie Hoffman's Angels and Answers features features Artie Hoffman and Sky Siegell, Your Favorite Psychic Mediums. Artie and his guests discuss all of life's personal and daily topics filled with enthusiasm, passio...
The Other Side of Bipolar with Author Lauren Polly
The Other Side of Bipolar introduces a radical new concept—that the ‘disorder’ is really an indicator of inner capacities and creative potential that, when discovered and cultivated, allows people...
Big Energy Big Changes: Angel Guidance for September 2016
Time to thi...
Encore: Healing Miracle Water! Everything Your Mother Never Told You About Water with Exp...
Tune in to find out how water is changing and saving lives. Why did Dr. Pat buy a water machine now and not 10 years ago. Why Kangen?
Part 2
The Silver Gaia Show is formed to bring forth new information supporting the ascension process happening on the planet now. Our goals are to explain what is happening and why, share new knowledge and truths, teach ...
Part 1
The Silver Gaia Show is formed to bring forth new information supporting the ascension process happening on the planet now. Our goals are to explain what is happening and why, share new knowledge and truths, teach ...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully ...
Encore: Attracting Love Into Our Life
Attracting love into our life - learn how to attract and keep your soulmate or restore your broken relationship while releasing the past.
Have You Been "Swiped?" Protect Your Privacy & Identity with Author & Expert Adam Levin
Adam Levin is a nationally recognized cybersecurity, privacy, identity theft, fraud expert, consumer advocate, and is the author of Amazon Best Seller "Swiped." Learn more about how you can protect yourself in this...
The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People with Theo Tsaousides PhD
Stephen Covey taught us the habits of highly effective people. We learned them, we applied them, and we benefitted greatly from them. But not everyone made gains. Most people—in fact about 90%—still str...
How Passionate Are You: Is it enough for your relationship and your life in general?
We're talking *passion* for this week's show - the kind of passion that keeps our relationships alive and sets our hair on fire for the future! The kind of passion that literally makes life worth living. ...