Archived Episodes
Healing and Infinite Love with Sheryl Glick
If you have ever suffered from an illness, felt grief when a loved one died or experienced other challenges, you will benefit from the wisdom of Sheryl Glick. She tells us that our lives, our experiences and all that ...
Angels can bring Peace into your Life - The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Angels can help us generate more peace in our lives. They support our goals and guide us with their love and comfort. Filling our days with peace of mind is one way the Angels can make a difference.
Don't Struggle With Rheumatoid Arthritis - Tips to Thrive, Living a Happy and Healthy Lif...
Cindy Lane Ross, by experience and education, has become the definitive health and fitness expert on healthy eating and exercise, specifically for those who struggle with arthritis.
Healing the Spirit of Humanity
Your Host Dr. Jenn Royster explores the energy behind physical illness. In healing the spirit, we explore a metaphysical approach into the energetic cause and effect we experience through our physical body. By explori...
Never Argue with a Dead Person - True and Unbelievable Stories from the Other Side with A...
Manhattan medium Thomas John has been hailed as "the Hollywood psychic with the highest batting average" by The Hollywood Reporter. Now he shares what he's seen and heard on the Other Side. In this book, John offers f...
The Secret of Your Immortal Self with Author Guy Finley
Self-realization author Guy Finley explains in The Secret of Your Immortal Self that a human being is a kind of celestial seed. And just as is true of all seeds, we are meant to undergo a transformation and grow into...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call-in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Seeing Beyond Illusions; Awaken to the Truth Within with David Ian Cowan
David discusses the evolution of his new book 'Seeing Beyond Illusions' and the key principles of non duality and healing ourselves and our relationships through the practice of true forgiveness
The Multidimensional Traveler - Finding Togetherness with Author Khartika Goe
The philosophy behind The Multidimensional Traveler: Finding Togetherness is to offer multidimensional wisdom to a global audience and seekers of knowledge with open minds through togetherness, raise humanity's unders...
Archangel Metatron with Channel Wendy Gayle
How would you like to receive guidance and healing from an Archangel? Well, on today's show, channel and healer, Wendy Gayle will be receiving and sharing the wise words of Archangel Metatron. She will first talk abou...
Move Over Spirit Guides - It's Time to Hear the Soul with Intuitive and Author Elisa Romeo
During an out-of-body experience, Intuitive and Author Elisa Romeo met her soul and, in the process, found a powerful ally to help her create the life of her dreams. Since that point, Elisa has helped thousands of cli...
Discover Your Intuitive Style
Your host Dr Jenn Royster discusses the four most common styles of intuition. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. Discover your own natural style and feel empowered as you learn to trust y...
Creating a Conscious Divorce with Dr. Susan Allison
Dr. Susan Allison, author of the non-fiction work, Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity, and the poetry book, Breathing Room, the Leaving of a Marriage, offers practical and spiritual guidance for anyon...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call-in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Faith - Essays from Believers, Agnostics, and Atheists with Victoria Zackheim
An honest and candid, profound and sometimes humorous, daring and revealing collection of gifted authors answering the question "What do I believe?"
Dr. Kelly Heim explains that not all multivitamins are created equal. What food-sensitive...
The prevalence of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities is on the rise. Common offenders in the food supply include gluten, dairy, peanuts, fish, shellfish and soy. Vitamins, minerals, herbs and probiotics ca...
Jesus Shares the Keys to the Kingdom with Us: The Authority and the Tools to shift Heave...
Archimedes said, if you have a lever long enough, you can move the world. As spiritual beings in this world, moving our world is our privilege and our joy But, most of us dont know how So it can be game-changing for ...
One Mind with Dr. Larry Dossey
Is our individual mind part of a greater consciousness, that some have called The Oversoul, The Mind of God, The Unified Field and by other names? Let author Larry Dossey share his ideas with you from his latest book,...