Archived Episodes
John G. Sutton and Countess Starella - Famous Ghosts
The world of showbiz is full of stories of haunted theatres, spooky film lots and ghosts of famous actors and actresses. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella have been working in the world of entertainment for many de...
ON PLUTO - Journalist Greg O'Brien delves in to What is Going on Inside the Mind of Alzhe...
The conversation continues - In his memoir, ON PLUTO: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's this veteran journalist talks freely about what it is like to slowly lose your mind, and to see slices of your very identity slippin...
YoAndrew News Talk Show YoAndrew Christmas Spectacular P1
YoAndrew will be celebrating Christmas with his audience this year. We will be sharing truly weird and mind blowing Christmas stories, the history of Santa Claus and the movies coming to theaters this holiday season.
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call-in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Encore Presentation - Kelle's Predictions for 2015
Join Kelle for her insight on what is happening for 2015.
Guest Host David C. Lewis-Being in the Field of Your Heart with Matrix Energetics and Dr....
Matrix Energetics is a complete system of transformation that produces observable and verifiable changes which can be taught to anyone. Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of being, a new way of experiencing the...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Hosts: David Christopher Lewis, Dr. Pat Baccili
Guest: Dr. Richard Bartlett
Voices of Women Host Kris Steinnes and her guest Penney Peirce on Change Your Frequency, ...
As the world is accelerating rapidly we're transforming, becoming 'ultrasensitive' and 'empathic' and we're often overwhelmed by proverbial 'energy information' coming from the world around us. Learn to manage your ow...
Where authentic change takes flight The real meaning of Christmas - Love. What is it, ho...
At this time of the year Christmas is the focus. Many of us are disillusioned with the commercialization of this holiday that seems to have become all about material things. Let's remember that the true meaning of Chr...
Money Made Easy with Co-host Mary Jane Allen: Bringing Subconscious Awareness into Your B...
More than ever, we are the creators of our lives. That's why it is vitally important to be conscious of what we are creating. We can easily get stuck on repeating the past instead of transforming our businesses and l...
The Questionable Parent with Glenna Rice: Body Wisdom, How Harmony with Your Body Improve...
How much of the dis-ease with your body is created from patterns of disharmony? Learn more about how you can improve your health
Miracles, Seeing is Believing or Is it?
Host Dr Jenn Royster explores miracles, illusions and reality. Are we really seeing the truth of reality, or is it an illusion, a barrier, a belief that we can choose to shift? The old energy would like us to believe ...
GET INTOIT WINNING at the game of LIFE with Co-host Lynn Brown: Three step process to net...
Ask for guidance, be open to how you will get the answers, have the faith to follow it. You are not here to do it on your own. Start networking with the universe and tap into the unlimited guidance and support of the ...
Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace - Loving Yourself Is the Key to Creation
This show is always about the latest channeled information in subjects of creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, and self-love. Call-in and receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully cre...
Encore Presentation: Crystals and their meaning
Join Kelle as she discusses crystals and their meaning.
Animal Wisdom - Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals with Author and Animal Advoc...
Linda shares her stories, the wisdom she has gained from a lifetime of loving and working with animals. Often on the front lines, she has worked to rescue and advocate for wildlife and their habitats around the world....
Where authentic change takes flight Using romantic relationships to accelerate your spir...
I know it sounds crazy, but as I've started dating again, I'm finding that each experience has given me a huge leap in my spiritual growth - whether the experience was a "success" as a relationship or not. Tune in to ...
Live Your True Self with Co-host AJ Speiginer: Removal of and Protection From Negativity
How can you remove all the negative energy around you and protect yourself? Join us as we discuss this part of our personal journey that led us to developing several services to cleanse away negative energy as well as...
- Expecting to Reach Your Goals is the Key to Unlock a Brighter Future Part 2
As 2014 comes to a close, have you reviewed your Goals? Don't let the negativity of regret for past failures into your life, but re-set your achievements for the future in 2015. Visualize, Let Go and Let God, and Expe...
- Expecting to Reach Your Goals is the Key to Unlock a Brighter Future Part 1
As 2014 comes to a close, have you reviewed your Goals? Don't let the negativity of regret for past failures into your life, but re-set your achievements for the future in 2015. Visualize, Let Go and Let God, and Expe...
The Empowered Self Series with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: Part 12 Your Internal Rhyth...
The holiday season has just started. Are you looking forward to celebrating with your family and friends? Or do you dread this time of the year, because it just mean more obligations, busyness and stress for you? List...
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Friedemann Schaub, Dr. Pat Baccili
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub