Archived Episodes
Belly Fat and How It's Different from Other Fat with Dr. Thain of WellnessOne
Talking about Belly Fat. What is different about belly fat than other types of fat. Why is that so important regarding your health. What can you do about it. What is a guideline as to what is reasonable when it comes...
Exploring the Shaman's Way of Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval has been around for thousands of years and is still used today by shamans for healing. Dr Jenn has helped her many of her own clients with soul retrieval over the years and shares her experience as a ma...
GET INTOIT WINNING at the game of LIFE with Co-host Lynn Brown: DON'T reinvent the wheel ...
In reality, everything is borrowed. Tap into the energy fields of people and Ascended Masters who have perfected a Vibration, Character Trait or Skill that you would like to enjoy in your life.
The Lime Green Plastic Covered Couch - Insight for Women Who Struggle to Find Lasting Lov...
Marion Baker, The LOVE Therapist Show How to Discover The Key To Finding The Relationship Of Your Dreams - Prepare To Find it Where You Least Expect.
Encore Presentation: What Happens to Someones Soul When They Commit SuicideA Mediums Opinion
With all the recent publicity on suicide prevention and awareness, listen to what Kelle's opinions are on what happens to the souls whom leave this earth on the own choice. It will be a program featuring a lot of love...
Second Wind - Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper, and More Connected Life with Dr...
We are approaching a second great coming of age that will change how members of the postwar generation see themselves, the world in which they live, and for the very first time, the legacy they will leave for those wh...
The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life with Author Dr. Joan Borysenko
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., a Harvard&8208;trained cell biologist, health psychologist, and New York Times best&8208;selling author, believes that when youve got the right information, you can make powerful choices to chan...
Where authentic change takes flight Encore Presentation: Why Change, Even Good Change, I...
Today we'll be talking about why even the good changes - the ones we consciously choose for our lives - are stressful, and how we can best manage and move through that difficult time.
The End of Stress with Don Joseph Goewey
We all understand that stress damages our health, decreases emotional intelligence, lowers performance, and limits our potential to succeed. Yet studies show that more than 80 percent of us are doing nothing about it....
The Journey Home with Co-host and Author Radhamath Swami
Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism, and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he transforms ...
Accepting People for Who They Are, Not Who You Want Them to Be Part 2
Are people around you not meeting your expectations? Do you feel consistently let down by people in important roles in your life and you just can't get why? Is it your fault? Is it theirs? Let's Talk About It
Accepting People for Who They Are, Not Who You Want Them to Be Part 1
Are people around you not meeting your expectations? Do you feel consistently let down by people in important roles in your life and you just can't get why? Is it your fault? Is it theirs? Let's Talk About It
The Empowered Self Series with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: Part 9 Mind-Stretching; Ho...
Lack of flexibility and openness are some of the most common reasons people stay stuck. When our mind becomes rigid, our perspective becomes limited and all we can see are problems and shortcomings. And as we all know...
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Friedemann Schaub, Dr. Pat Baccili
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Psychic World with Co-host and Psychic-Medium John G. Sutton
John G. Sutton one of Britain's most respected psychic mediums joins Dr. Pat Baccili to discuss his career as an author and writer of numerous best selling books and 22 years as the feature editor of the newspaper Psy...
Access, Awaken and Activate Your Inner Guide/Physician - Guest Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
Dr. Jenn welcomes her guest Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos, author of Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing. Kat will share tips, strategies and survivor secrets on using your innate senses, especially your 6th...
On Pluto - Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's with Author, Journalist Greg O'Brien and Dr. Mo...
In his memoir, ON PLUTO: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's this veteran journalist talks freely about what it is like to slowly lose your mind, and to see slices of your very identity slipping away piece by piece. Greg s...
What Happens to Someones Soul When They Commit SuicideA Mediums Opinion
With all the recent publicity on suicide prevention and awareness, listen to what Kelle's opinions are on what happens to the souls whom leave this earth on the own choice. It will be a program featuring a lot of love...
Get Sophistigayted with Co-hosts David Zarza and Phillip Bryant: Astrology and the Autumn...
The Sophistigayted Guys enlist the help of local Astrologer and CEO of Mellinetti, Inc, Arlene Tognetti to have a conversation about the Autumn Equinox and some of the current Astrological cycles and trends for Sep...
The Fun of Dying - Find Out What Really Happens Next with Author Roberta Grimes
Attorney and afterlife expert Roberta Grimes illuminates what for some can be a difficult topic, but one that we must increasingly face as the boomer population ages. For those who worry about dying or losing a loved...
Where authentic change takes flight Who Am I? What Is The Source of YOUR Identity and Ho...
Encore Presentation: Today we'll be talking about how we identify who we think we are affects how our life manifests and unfolds. As we begin to shift from labels such as parent, spouse, daughter, employee to a deeper...
Healthy Solutions Exposed with Co-hosts Dr.H and LetyM: The Seven Deadly Lessons - What w...
What are the seven most common threats that would prevent you from reaching your fullest potential? How to create a better life for yourself which allows you too then share with your loved ones. Learn to identify thes...
There is Nothing Wrong with Asking God to Give You the Stars and Moon On Your Own Persona...
Have you ever heard someone say "Ask and it shall be given unto you?" Have you ever heard of "The Law of Attraction"? Well, we are going to discuss how simply asking for what we want can enrich our lives and those of ...
There is Nothing Wrong with Asking God to Give You the Stars and Moon On Your Own Persona...
Have you ever heard someone say "Ask and it shall be given unto you?" Have you ever heard of "The Law of Attraction"? Well, we are going to discuss how simply asking for what we want can enrich our lives and those of ...