Archived Episodes
- The Purpose of Reincarnation Part 1
We've talked about Reincarnation before, but let's talk about it's Purpose. If you believe in Reincarnation, why do you think the process exists? And if you don't, the answer may finally open your eyes to Reincarnatio...
The Mary Jane Mack Show
Join Holistic Intuitive Mary Jane.
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Mystical Music - How Cer...
Certain sounds trigger emotions within our minds and with music, especially popular songs, they seem to capture a mystical essence of a magical moment. Think for a second about your first lover and that initial connec...
A Look at 12 Past Life Patterns with Karen Downing
Host Dr Jenn welcomes her guest Karen Downing, a spiritual teacher working to help you discover the unconventional sources of the challenges you face in life. Karen has developed 12 past life patterns to help you unde...
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Life After Death with Ma...
Do you believe that at the end of your physical life you will make a transition into another dimension and enjoy a new life after death? This week John G. Sutton and Countess Starella welcome two very special guests D...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Host: John G. Sutton
Guests: Countess Starella , Dr. Dennis Grega , Michelle Szabo
How to find peace in yourself and in our world. Encore Presentation.
Our world is changing and there is a huge need for peace in ourselves and in our world. How are we going to get there? Lets talk intuitive peace today and bridge that thought process to ourselves and our community.
The Shadow Among Us with Kelley Kosow
We are all bright lights in our life or striving to be and the whole while we have an ever-present companion, our shadow. As George R. R. Martin, the creator of all the full characters in the Game of Thrones books sha...
Haldol and Hyacinths - A Bipolar Life with Melody Moezzi
With candor and humor, a manic-depressive Iranian-American Muslim woman chronicles her experiences with both clinical and cultural bipolarity. Both an irreverent memoir and a rousing call to action, Haldol and Hyacint...
Where authentic change takes flight Feeling Restless, Bored or Frustrated? My Lessons fr...
The call in number is 800-930-2819. Write it down so you have it handy on Monday at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 7 PM UK. Are you feeling bored, restless or frustrated with life? I have been feeling all three. A couple of wee...
The Power of Chakras with Expert and Author Dr. Susan Shumsky
Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness, and Transformation with A New Perspective on the Chakras. Dr. Susan Shumsky, creator of this revolutionary, unique look at the chakra system, has delved deeply into...
- All Fears Are Just An Illusion Part 2
Are you being paralyzed by your Fears? Do you find that you may not be reaching your potential or standing up for yourself because you are afraid of ... what? What ARE you afraid of?? Let's talk about it
- All Fears Are Just An Illusion Part 1
Are you being paralyzed by your Fears? Do you find that you may not be reaching your potential or standing up for yourself because you are afraid of ... what? What ARE you afraid of?? Let's talk about it
Understanding Your Subtle Energy Body
You are energy. Listen in for an in depth look at how your aura, chakras and meridians impact every aspect of your life. Learn to tune into, heal and become empowered through your subtle energy body.
Answers About the Afterlife with Expert Bob Olson
Answers about the Afterlife, by private investigator and afterlife expert, Bob Olson, presents thoughtful, serious, and practical answers to nearly 200 of the most commonly asked questions about death and dying, the a...
The Messages in Your Energy Field with Dr. Jenn Royster
Dr. Jenn is focusing this hour on delivering the intuitive messages of the human energy field. How to clear toxic energy, releasing old energy that no longer serves a purpose, and healing energy that brings in new opp...
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Spirit Guides - Do You K...
Perhaps you doubt that there are discarnate entities that act as our guardians protecting and guiding us through our earthly lives. John G. Sutton recently had a direct interaction with the spirit guide of a passenger...
Make the Spiritual Connection with Co-host Jennifer Farmer: Live a Spiritually Powered Life
Join Psychic Medium Jennifer Farmer as she shares insights on cultivating spiritual power, developing self trust and living by Spiritual power. Dr. Pat and Jennifer discuss steps to lead a more fulfilling life by maki...
How to find peace in yourself and in our world.
Our world is changing and there is a huge need for peace in ourselves and in our world. How are we going to get there? Lets talk intuitive peace today and bridge that thought process to ourselves and our community.
Open to Receive: What does Brenda see for me?
A total call-in show to allow Brenda the opportunity to answer questions about what is coming for people over the next few weeks. The "Blessin' from the Lesson'" Call 800.930.2819 with your questions
Depression is No Laughing Matter - A Tribute to Robin Williams and Others Lost to Depress...
Dr. Pat Baccili talks about the loss of yet another from depression and addiction, Robin Williams. Beloved actor Robin Williams was found dead on Monday, police reported. Dr. Pat lost her mother at a very young age to...
Where authentic change takes flight Does Love Hurt? We Hear This Phrase All The Time, Bu...
The call in number is 800-930-2819. Write it down so you have it handy on Monday at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 7 PM UK. We've all heard the phrases "love hurts" and "you only hurt the ones you love." It's true that loving s...
The Art of HealingArt with Artist/Author Jacqueline Ripstein 8-Part Series. The 'I Am' pr...
Join Dr. Pat and Internationally renowned artist Jacqueline Ripstein as they take you on a journey through Jacqueline's remarkable book, The Art of HealingArt. You will be amazed how Art images reveal hidden messages....
- Don't Allow Past Circumstances to Ruin Your Present and Future Part 2
Are you allowing your ancient history to block your Future Blessings? Are you holding on to Pain that is now only hurting you? We are going to tell you how and why to leave that all behind Let's talk about it