Archived Episodes
with Guest Bruce Lipton author of The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on...
Laura and Bruce will be talking about his new book "The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth."
Family Dysfunction Need Not Overwhelm You with Dr. Karen Casey
There are many strengths that can be honed while living in a dysfunctional home environment. We need not be defeated unless we agree to it. We can become extremely successful people, overcoming powerful odds.
Talking with author and intuitive Maureen St. Germain
In her latest book, Be A Genie, author and intuitive Maureen St. Germain assists people in meeting, and surpassing, their life dreams and goals using the laws of quantum physics and secrets of sacred geometry, along w...
Spiritual Nudity: What's Your Drag Outfit with Co-Hosts David and Phillip Zarza
"We are born naked and the rest is drag." says RuPaul and we agree Everyone, regardless of where you live, who you are, how you were raised gets into drag daily. Some do it well and quite Sophistigayted-ly, while othe...
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, David Zarza
Guests: David Zarza , Phillip Bryant
New Revelations Regarding the Aura Ours, the Sun's and the Great Central Sun's David Chr...
David shares profound new ideas and practical insights from his book, Advanced Studies of the Human AuraHow to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance. Get assistance to learn to magnify Light right...
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, David Christopher Lewis
Guest: David Christopher Lewis
The Four Virtues: Presence, Heart, Wisdom, and Creation with Tobin Hart
It's no mystery that each of us is responsible for our own life. But, with all of the knowledge, technology, and innovation that is at our fingertips, we're more lost than ever. By drawing knowledge from across tradit...
The Link Between Dreaming, Manifesting and Healing
Have you ever been called a dreamer? If so, then say thank you and DREAM ON Dreaming is powerful manifesting and can bring the transformational changes you've been waiting for. Dreaming is the creative mind at work co...
God Does Not Call Us to Be Successful
Shannon takes calls with questions for your Guides and you will receive free, immediate answers to your most challenging problem. You don't have to give away any background information, just ask the question - your Gu...
Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-Host Countess Starella: Thaumaturlogical Healing...
John G. Sutton and his amazing co-host the incredible psychic Countess Starella will this week be looking at Thaumaturlogical Healing. That is healing conducted without recourse to any accepted medical or physical int...
Sheer Alchemy with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Divine Abundance
Abundance is your birthright and your soul essence in this lifetime is the gift of divine inspiration. All that you desire to be, do, and have is on purpose, and the blocks that interfere with their manifestation can ...
Internal Perfection and Value with Donn Smith
What Value looks like through the lens of our experiences. Donn will touch on "I am not Valued" and how that effects our lives, "I am Valued" which is positive but still externally driven and finally "I AM VALUE" whic...
No Better Time: The Story of Danny Lewin with Author Molly Knight Raskin
The Brief, Remarkable Life of Danny Lewin, rags-to-riches entrepreneur, and genius who transformed the Internet. Co-founder of Akamai Technologies, member of an elite counterterrorism unit in Israel, and victim of the...
- Where authentic change takes flight: Choose Love Scarlett Lewis Shares The Mission of C...
On December 14th, 2012 Scarlett Lewis experienced something that no parent should ever have to endure: she lost her 6-year old son Jesse in an act of unimaginable violence in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Sin...
ADRENALINE RUSH The Psychology of Risk-Taking with Certified Soul Coach and Co-Host Victo...
"The greatest risk in life is not taking one." What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Climbing a mountain, getting married, having children, telling the truth, quitting a job to pursue your real passion? Most peo...
Angel's Messages for Emotional Healing
Angel's messages for emotional healing are filled with loving and gentle support. We all know what it's like to feel the pain of the world, especially highly sensitive souls. But what if, this same sensory had the pow...
Spread Love Everywhere You Go
Shannon takes calls with questions for your Guides and you will receive free, immediate answers to your most challenging problem. You don't have to give away any background information, just ask the question - your Gu...
Psychic World with John G. Sutton: SPIRITUAL MUSIC - Can Spirits Compose or Perhaps Inspi...
One of Great Britain's most respected psychic mediums John G. Sutton with his co-host the amazing Countess Starella will be examining the hypothesis that discarnate entities write songs through gifted psychic mediums ...
The Empowered Self Series: Part 2 "The Three Most Common Ways We Give Our Power Away" wit...
How often have you felt powerless in your life - victimized by people or circumstances, drained by obligations and expectations, stuck in situations that felt out of your control to change? Feeling powerless can happe...
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Guest: Dr. Friedemann Schaub
Who Does It Belong To? The Questionable Parent and Access Consciousness Expert Glenna Rice
Is it possible that you are way more aware of other peoples thoughts, feelings and emotionsthan you know?
Expanding in Love with Author Colin Tipping
Why do relationships cause us so much pain and suffering? Colin Tipping shares a new context for interpreting how your life is unfolding and how the dance of relationship really works. Expand into love and embrace a r...