Archived Episodes
A Little Bit of Everything with Medical Intuitive Mary Jane Taking Your Calls
Mary Jane will be talking about a little bit of everything, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, your pets, etc.
The Book of Afformations: Discovering The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love,...
Did you know that asking a new kind of question can immediately change your life? Dr. Pat's special guest today is going to show you how to instantly change your life using a simple method he discovered, called AFFORM...
- Discover Your Animal Spirit Guide: Power Animals
Shamanic beliefs say that all things that are alive have the inherent virtues of power and wisdom. Power Animals are Spirit Guides in animal form. It is thought that our Power Animals guide us, and protect us from har...
The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living with Author Nick Ortner
Do you have things in your life that you wish were different ...but you don't know how to change? "The Tapping Solution" offers a new technique to deal with seemingly impossible situations. Tapping, also known as EFT,...
Do you seek balance in your life? Why does it seem as if creating and maintaining balance is so difficult? Without balance, the resulting imbalance takes its toll by allowing stress to dominate our lives. The key t...
Zen Entrepreneurship: The Path of the Career Warrior from the Tech Titan Who Shows How to...
Riz Virk Thought He Was Learning Meditation to Secure Financial Capital for His Tech Start-Up, But Got the Surprise - and Journey - of a Lifetime Zen Entrepreneurship follows a young entrepreneur as he starts and grow...
Energy Efficiency in Real Estate with Broker Amy Towillis and her guest Craig Olson
Becoming Energy Efficient not only has a positive benefit on our environment, but it also helps you save money. There are simple and easy things you can to do reduce your energy consumption and help conserve our natur...
with Guest Host Shann Vander Leek: The Secrets to Living an Inspired Life with Linda Joy
Discover the secrets to living an inspired life from a woman who is the walking epitome of inspiration. Bestselling publisher of Aspire Magazine and host of Inspired Living Secrets, Linda Joy knows firsthand the trans...
RealSmart Baby Food: How to Make 3-Months Worth of Delicious, Nutritious Baby Food in 3-O...
Create 3-months worth of delicious, nutritious baby food in 3 one-hour blocks of time. Combine individual whole food pures and freshly ground grains into an endless combination of flavorful, nutritionally balanced mea...
with Guest Stuart Young Shares How To Change Your Life, One Day at a Time
Change your Life one Day at a Time by Following These Daily guides. Transform your mindset by applying these 365 guides and make your dream life a reality this year This book is for people struggling with making big d...
Angels bring Prosperity and Put You on Your Path to Success with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The angels goal is to make you prosperous. They bring the tools for happiness in all facets of life. Enjoy more of the things you want by learning how to manifest your dreams.
HEADTRASH: Cleaning Out the Junk that Stands Between You and Success with Author Tish Squ...
Why do executives get stuck? Why do leaders sometimes find themselves pushing hard but not gaining traction? Frequently it's because they're working against themselves, defeating their best efforts with their own prob...
My guest is psychic and author Louise Helene. She will be talking about her new book and ...
Psychic Louise Helen, author of I Saw Your Future and Hes Not It: A Psychics Guide to True Love will be joining me to talk about using your intuition in relationships. Have a question about your love li...
Love: Your Weight Loss Solution - and How You Can Feel it in Minutes with Your Eat Like A...
Many people think that weight loss is about food. What to eat and what not to eat. But what if weight loss is all about LOVE? You can heal not just your weight but your LIFE and it doesn't have to take forever, but mi...
When Wrong is Right with Special Guest Laura Longley
Do you ever find that even though you're following what seems right in every way, it actually feels wrong to you? Have you had circumstances intervene that throw you off one path, and on to another? Do family and frie...
- Hope: The Glue that Keeps Us Together
In this premiere show, Dr. Jenn brings possibilities to life with the Intention of Hope. A powerful energy occurs when we ask our Angels for a little help. Our hearts open up, and we expand our potential to more than ...
Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide To Living Consciously and Aging Wisely For People Who Weren't ...
Co-Authors George and Sedena Cappannelli, are leading advocates for those of us who see aging as an opportunity, not a liability. These two are accomplished authors, world-class consultants, key note speakers and co-f...
Soul Recovery - 12 Keys to Healing Addiction with Author Ester Nicholson
"Soul Recovery" is the First Book to Marry the 12-Steps to a "God-Within" Spiritual Curriculum - the "12 Steps with Heart"
Create the Future You Want by Making Hope Happen with Dr. Shane Lopez.
Are some people just lucky or do they make the good things happen in their life? Why are they so resilient and able to move through difficult times so quickly? How come they live happier, healthier, more productive ...
The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel with Author and Angel Therapy Expert Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue offers more information on the history and characteristics of Gabriel, to increase your knowledge of and connection with this remarkable angel. Gabriel is still with us, helping people be messenger angel...
The One Idea That Can Change Your Life with Rev. Bonnie Barnard
Leaning upon the work of mystic Emma Curtis Hopkins, Rev. Bonnie shares the one idea, if really known, would change everything.
Eating organic food on a budget with Linda Watson
Organic food usually costs more than conventional foods. Find out why and what you can do to eat like a queen or a king on a budget.