Archived Episodes
EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening with Andrew Cohen
In EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT, Cohen presents a new definition of spiritual awakening for our contemporary worlda world characterized by exponential change and an ever-expanding appreciation for the processes of evolu...
Love by the Numbers with International bestselling author and media sensation Glynis McCants
Glynis McCants wrote the book Love by the Numbers because she believes that the greatest gift one can receive is that of true and lasting love. Glynis' celebrated system is a contemporary spin on the ancient Science o...
The Art of Using Herbs and Teas As We Enter the Fall Season with Katya Difani of Herban W...
In this show, we will set the stage for the series of shows to come, focusing on using herbs and their many forms. We will focus on herbs for fall, including how to keep the immune system strong and healthy. We will t...
Owning Your Life with Pam Kalian and Lotus Lin Nip
How Lotus Lin changed her life direction by using her 'Conscious Creator' and ventured into the world of healthy chocolate.
Encore Presentation: Too Much Too Soon?
We are a high speed society. With cell phones, instant messenger, speeding through commercials, liposuction, speed dating and so much more are we forgetting to stay in the moment and focus on the mini miracles? Join D...
30 Seconds to Powerful Change with International Public Speaker Blair Singer
No matter our level of success, wealth, and education, every one of us has a "Little Voice" that speaks to us. Some days, it's our biggest cheerleaderbut more often than not, it's quick to point out our doubts, fears ...
Glad Rags - a more economical and healthier alternative with Tracy Puhl
Menstrual cups are a healthy, sustainable alternative to disposable pads tampons. They're better for your body and the planet. We'll discuss the benefits and FAQs about reusable menstrual cups.
"How To Become a Money Goddess" This interview is for heart-centered female entrepreneurs...
Morgana Rae walks you through the Seven Goddess Archetypes of Money Attraction. The first goddess teaches you how to make money FALL IN LOVE with you You will Discover the deep connection between a woman's relationshi...
The Importance of Mission in Making a Difference with Life Coach Monique Morimoto Flaherty.
Great leaders have a clear Mission and can communicate and enroll people in that Mission. Learn how one such woman has led an amazing organization to serve thousands of people in one of the poorest cities of MA.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Monique Morimoto-Flaherty , Bridget Shaheen
EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening with Andrew Cohen
In EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT, Cohen presents a new definition of spiritual awakening for our contemporary worlda world characterized by exponential change and an ever-expanding appreciation for the processes of evolu...
Learn Live Love with Intuitive Consultant and Medium Beth Lynch
Have you recently lost a loved one and need peace and closure? Beth Lynch will channel communication with the spirit world, offering loving, healing messages from family, friends in heaven. Communicating through ener...
Stop being so hard on yourself - Transforming stress and self-criticism into happiness an...
You are probably harder on yourself than anyone else ever could be. Daily, that negative voice in your head, aka your Inner Mean Girl or Inner Bully, spews out lies like "you're a failure" "youre not enough," "you sho...
Choosing Your Healthy Path with Marnie Dominy
Choosing Your Healthy Path is a weight loss and wellness business. On October 28, Marnie will offer a wellness retreat at Alderbrook resort and spa for women only. It's a chance to take a look at the real issues holdi...
How to Use Vitamin D to Protect Your Immune System from Viruses with Dr. Lucinda Messer
Vitamin D can be used to not only protect against several diseases like cancer but also to fight cancer as well. Dr. Messer will discuss how vitamin D works in the body, how to increase your serum levels, why it's so ...
Participate Don't Procrastinate Life Coach Monique Morimoto-Flaherty
Life is not something that happens to us. When we procrastinate we stop participating in having the life we want. Learn how to participate in your life and stop procrastinating
- Keepin' It Real
Join psychic Dougall Fraser this week as he reveals how you can use color to improve your life As always, you can call in with a personal question to get a free reading. Dougall will also be updating us on his lates...
Boost your energy while boosting your Immune System with Medical Intuitive Mary Jane Mack
Now that the kids are back in school and schedules are going to get chaotic Mary Jane will discuss boosting your energy to keep up with the schedules while also boosting your immune system.