Archived Episodes
Taking Flight to Health and Well Being with Olivia Newton-John and "Amazon John" Easterling
The trio comes together again to shed light on taking care of ourselves, our communities and the planet. Whether talking about saving the Rain Forest, using Amazon Herbs to heal one self or contemplating the meaning o...
Resurrecting Anthony: A True Story of Courage and Destination - Co-authors Tony & Linda Cole
Tony & Linda explain what happens after they find themselves stretched beyond anything they could have imagined when their young son is suddenly struck down from a heart attack. Together they developed a "Toolbox" whi...
Vegetarian? You can get your meals delivered by Lucky Palate.
Lucky Palate is a Vegetarian Meal Service delivering tasty and affordable meals to home or work. Lucky Palate has been in business for 10 years, making food in small batches with no preservatives, using organic and lo...
Fosse Farms Dressings, Dips, Marinades with Creator Elaine Fosse
You will enjoy Salt Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher and an organic line of delicious dressings, dips, and marinades to stay healthy and enjoy your meals. Kids love it too
Shine Your Light -- The Path to Unreasonable Happiness with Energy Coach Sharon Roy
Ever wondered what it would feel like to be truly happy? Are you waiting for your life circumstances to change so that you can find out? What if you've got it backwards? The truth is that changing your energy will cha...
Encore presentation - -You Knead Your Pet Healthy
Therapeutic massage for small animals. Find out how massage provides a natural, holistic approach to health for your pet.
Sea Vegetables- The Oldest & Most Powerfully Nutritious Plants on Earth Paul Blann of Sea...
Consumption of seaweed for vibrant health is not some current fad or new idea. For 1,000's of years, many Asian cultures have attributed their long life spans and overall good health to their daily intake of sea veget...
- Back to Basics
Due to popular demand, Dougall will be doing a full hour of answering your calls, healing through humor and talking about his latest pop culture obsessions
Learn the 3 Keys to Sustaining Present Moment Awareness with Adam Seward.
Waking up is one thing, but staying awake is a different matter all together. It takes practice. Here are three keys to sustaining this wakefulness in and through all of your activities.
The Medium Next Door: Adventures of a real-life Ghost Whisperer - Maureen Hancock
Maureen Hancock, soon to be subject of reality show, details the adventures of a real life ghost whisperer. "It's basically part memoir about my life as a medium, yet I'm just like your next door neighbor, only I hear...
Access the Power of the Wild Feminine with Tami Lynn Kent
Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Female Body offers a unique, holistic approach to reclaiming the power, spirit, and joy of the female body and to understanding its connection to creative energy flow...
Alchemy 101: Discover How to turn Sunlight into Gold with Dr. Lucinda Messer
It's a story of hope and health. Award winning author and Naturopathic doctor, Lucinda Messer shares her journey and the treasure she discovered of how you can harness the power of sunlight to create a powerful and he...
Encore - All FEAR is not created equal.
We are exploring the different facets of fear and how it can hinder or launch us toward our true nature.
Living from the Soul: The 5 Spiritual Principles for a fulfilled and contented life with ...
The soul is the guiding principle of our lives. Learn about the soul and the 5 spiritual principles that can help you align to your soul's calling and act as guidance through times of transition and for personal growth.
- with guest animal intuitive Danielle MacKinnon
Have you ever wished that your pet could communicate with you? Join me this week as I welcome Danielle MacKinnon, a very talented animal intuitive. We will take calls and discuss our upcoming appearance at "Soul Con...
Angels Gather for Mother's Day with Angel Lady Sue Storm
How the angels give mothers the tools to prosper. This show will focus on love for Mothers and gratefulness for their devotion. It is a true early celebration Mothers Day.