Archived Episodes
Its All Up to Me - the art of Manifestation with Marianne Weidlein
Quantum physics has discovered an undeniable, causal relationship between your state of consciousness and quality of life. This means that your thoughts, emotions, and vibrational frequency must match your intention. ...
Managing The Gift: Alternative Approaches to Attention Deficit Disorder with specialist D...
Dr. Emery explains why ADD/ADHD can be a gift in each of four areas - physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. And how you can begin to work with it in those same four areas. He also explains how ADD/ADHD peo...
The Secret Power Within You with Auriella
Recently there has been a greater understanding for people about the power of the mind, power of thoughts, the law of attraction and manifesting. What is also important for people to understand is what is the power be...
Holy Smokes - Herbal Smoke as a Spiritual Medium
Learn how to experience the sights, aromas and sensations of immersion smudging loose herbs on hot embers. You'll feel your aura so thoroughly cleaned that you'll never go back to smudge sticks. Bring back the profoun...
Encore Presentation - Reconnective Healing with Eric Pearl and Christine Upchurch
Discover why hospitals, universities and researchers around the world are investing time & money researching Reconnective Healing in an attempt to explain these unprecedented healings - and how you too, can master thi...
Living a Juicy, Joyful Life with Linda Joy of Aspire Magazine
Do you ever wonder why some women are able to live grounded in the now, cherish the small moments, and look back without regret? These women are living Juicy, Joyful livesand now, for the first time, their stories are...
Energy Medicine with Energy Intuitive Marie Manuchehri, RN
Marie is a nationally known energy intuitive, reiki master and teacher. As a clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient with full sight of the chakras and the human energy system surrounding the body, Marie's ability...
Vaporize Your Anxiety with Tom Stone, Author & Founder and CEO of Great Life Technologies...
Tom Stone is an expert in the application of biophysics and changing patterns of energy in the human body. He has studied applied biophysics extensively in Europe with leading experts in the field. Tom has integrated ...
The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery - don Jose Ruiz and the sequel to ...
don Jose Ruiz discusses the collaboration with his father, don Miguel Ruiz on this long awaited sequel to The Four Agreements. This book expands upon The Four Agreements with fresh insights and empowers us to recover ...
The Evolution of Forgiveness with Terri Daniel
Forgiveness is probably the single most difficult concept for the ego to understand. We feel pressured to forgive all the time, but we just can't seem to wrap our minds around the idea of forgiving the cheating spouse...
The Ocean of light: The cosmic waterways of limitless possibilities with Julianne Bien
Hold on for a split second In that precise moment every cell in your body just had 100,000 or so chemical reactions. Now multiple that by billions of cells. And the best part its timing and sequence are exact withou...
Rethinking our Relationship with OTC and Rx Medications PART I - Lou Paradise and Topricin
Americans have a very dysfunctional relationship with OTC oral meds, Rx medications, and NSAIDS. Many do more harm than good, and in fact are a leading cause of death in our country. There are serious health risks con...
- Unstuckable: Dream Big - Now Dream Bigger
Are you stuck and don't know what to do next? Dr. Pat will help you learn how to dream big and to answer the question, "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail"
How to Look Younger with Vapour Organic Beauty - Eric Sakas Explains How
Cosmetic Industry veteran and Vapours Director of Beauty, Eric Sakas, shares his twenty years of experience & professional insider tips on achieving radiant, youthful beauty the Natural way.
Chakras - How emotions can affect them and how to know when they're unbalanced with Pamel...
Reverend Pamela Welsh gives a remote energy healing transformation to you while you remain in the comfort of your own home. By tuning into your energy vibration and working with you as a Spirit in the body we actually...
Claiming the Psychic in YOU Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey
In this exciting show Deb and Samantha teach you how to tap into your own psychic ability. They believe everyone has a sixth sense an often unused part of themselves that simply needs to be trained and exercised.
SHIFT - Let Go of Fear and Get Your Life in Gear with author Dr. Jeffrey Hull who Present...
Have you experienced any changes in your life lately? Have you experienced stress, anxiety, worry, irritability or depression? For the majority of Americans, the answer to these questions is, Are you kidding? Who hasn...
A Juicy, Joyful Life and the Power of Story to Transform Lives with Author Linda Joy of A...
Do you ever wonder why some women are able to live grounded in the now, cherish the small moments, and look back without regret? These women are living Juicy, Joyful livesand now, for the first time, their stories are...
Casting The Circle and finding oneself with Ross Taylor of The Circle: Selected by New Ag...
Drawn from the ancient mandala, modern psychology, the collective unconscious and the well of archetypes we all inhabit, The Circle takes the seeker on a journey to self discovery, higher truths and "oh, Wow" moments....