Archived Episodes
Getting to the Core Issues of Your Physical Symptoms
Do you have Back pain, Knee pain, Shoulder pain, Joint pain, Overall Stiffness, Digestive Issues or whatever it may be? What is the answer? Call 800-930-2819 to get some answers.
Soul Messages: Are You Listening?
Dr Jenn shares insight and angel guidance into the ong...
Achieving Happiness with Diane Wing & Good Vibrations: The Healing Power of the Drum with...
Are you longing for greater happiness, but you feel like it's just not possible? Have you heard that happiness is just a state of mind, but you don't know how to attain that state? Diane Wing, a te...
The “New Age” of Meditation with New Age Recording Artist and Visionary Mystic Dyan Garris
The health benefits of meditation are well documented. We all know we should meditate. But even now, meditation is still perceived as “work.” And meditation is still misunderstood. Let’s demystify...
Angel Guidance: July Solar Eclipse in Cancer
Dr Jenn shares angel guidance on the partial solar eclipse arri...
Your Secret Wealth Code Oracle Cards with Prema Lee Gurreri
Your Sacred Wealth Code Oracle Cards, Discover a daily practice to Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose and Prosperity with Prema Lee Gurreri. Prema will be taking calls during the show - call-in to 1...
Dr. Jean Houston on “Social Artistry In Action”
Led by Social Artistry founder, Ph.D. Scholar and Best-Selling Author, Jean Houston, this Interactive Program, to take place at NYC’s United Palace Theater on July 15th, will feature training for creative dev...
Mental Illness vs. Circumstance - Knowing the Difference is Crucial says Life & Business ...
The difference between mental illness and circumstance is a line that is often blurry to most people. Some believe there is a
Angels Celebrate Summer with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels are thrilled that those of us who love warm weather can relax and take vacations. Include Marilyn, Angel of Leisure, in your activities. Start off the summer with Joy, Inspiration, and Harmony. These Ang...
Encore: Angel Insights for July 2018
Archangel Raziel comes through for July 2018. Reminding us all that our...
Good News Segment: Fundraising; Supercharging Your Business; Science of Smell; Protecting...
Roya Winner - How You Can Raise Awareness for a Cause You Believe in Ramon Ray - Big ideas for small business - How to Supercharge Your Business this SummerDr. Rachel Herz - Neuroscientist and leading...
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Roya Winner , Ramon Ray , Dr. Rachel Herz , David Maurstad
Good News Segment: Safe Pain Management; Fighting World Hunger; Party Bash; Bright Ideas ...
Dr. Alpesh A. Patel - Eliminating Back Pain without OpioidsMary Jane Melendez & Katie Stagliano - Feeding Better Futures: One Teen's Mission to Make a Dent in World HungerJulian Clark &a...
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Alpesh A. Patel , Mary Jane Melendez & Katie Stagliano , Julian Clark & Piera Pizzo , Mark Reisenauer & Hernani Oliveira
The Animal Allies and Gemstone Guardians Cards with Award-Winning Author Margaret Ann Lembo
When an animal, insect, bird, or other creature from nature appears repetitively, whether in real life or dreams, it is time to pay attention and find the message that nature is bringing you. This deck of 44 oracle...
You Are Psychic with Author Sherrie Dillard
Have you ever wondered why it can be difficult to develop and trust your intuition? Do you have a hard time differentiating intuitive insights from your own thoughts and expectations and desires? ...
Read In Search of Lost Lives to Incite Your Own Spiritual Revolution with Author Michael ...
Spiritual Revolution is a distillation of the entire teachings of the greatest spiritual Teachers from all traditions into 52 easily understood principles, complete with the author’s wise commentary and expla...
Angel Insights for July 2018
Archangel Raziel comes through for July 2018. Reminding us all that our...
Journeying in to A Space of Allowing with Coach Nancy Coco
Bring your beginner’s mind and a sense of curiosity as we journey into a safe space, a connected space…a space of acceptance of our current state of being as we check in to mind, body, and spirit to be...
How to Truly Live in the Now with Patrick Paul Garlinger
It is a commonly held spiritual belief that we should live in the present moment. But what does that really mean? Bending Time offers a novel answer to that question. We must understand time as a psychic p...
Hidden Secrets Your Body is Telling You that Could Change Your Life with Body Regeneratio...
Tracy is here to teach you how to look at your body like a computer so you can start to listen to what it is telling you long before a situation shows up in your life. Isn't it time to be brave and end the stories ...