Archived Episodes
The Little Book of Saturn with Aliza Einhorn
The Little Book of Saturn, a smart, friendly introduction to the astrological Saturn, is a book for curious readers who know there is more to astrology than their sun signs. Saturn has traditionally been considered...
Biotech Industry Breakthroughs; Straight Talk on Privacy is Your Human Right; PureLight A...
James C. Greenwood - The Biotechnology Innovation Organization International Convention, the world’s premier life sciences event, will return to Boston, June 4-7. Celebrating BIO’s 25th anniversary, his...
Monday, May 28, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: James C. Greenwood , Gabe Greenberg , Adam Helfgott , Ellen McDonough
Good News Segment: Entrepreneurs Confidence Soars; Challenge to Provide Children's Educat...
Sharon Miller - Small business optimism soars to highest levels since 2015, according to Bank of America survey. Danae Domian - The latest tips and techniques to save for college and setting ...
Doctor You – Introducing the Hard Science of Self-Healing with Jeremy Howick
The miracles of modern medicine--and our overreliance on prescription drugs and surgical procedures--have obscured the evolutionary ability of the body to heal itself, as Oxford University researcher Jeremy Howick ...
Fresh Perspective Arrives: Sagittarius Full Moon
A fresh new perspective comes into play with the Sagittarius fu...
A Joy Journey with Lynn Hord; The Secret Weapon for Creating a Happy, Fulfilled Life
Fun and practical ways to bring more joy into all areas of your life from relationships and work to business.
Soul Selfish: The Key to Youthfulness at Any Age with Author Jane Wyker
The difference between ego selfish and soul selfish, and how living from your soul — your authentic self, provides the key to aliveness and happiness. Facing the issue of roles we take on as young children th...
Good News Segment: There is Hope for Women Struggling with Infertility with Expert Dr. Ev...
On May 13th, mothers from around the country celebrated on Mother’s Day. However, this can be hard for the many women unable to conceive due to their struggle with infertility. Renowned reproductive endocrino...
PureLight: Frequencies for Health, Abundance, Youthfulness & more with Visionary Artist E...
PureLight is the first app to offer energetically-encoded audios to shift anything in your life. Created by some of the world's top energy healers, these audios transmit high spiritual frequencies for health, abund...
Call-In Questions for Mary Jane Mack
Mary Jane Mack talks about what she does, how she does it, and takes callers from interested callers.
In Search Of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul with Autho...
In Search of Lost Lives shows how desires and actions order transmigration to subsequent human and animal lives. Twelve lives show how hurtful actions resulted in a subsequent life as an animal or a sojour...
Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?
Have you been feeling the shift in energy?
The Art of Limitless Living with Melissa Joy Jonsson
Through a brilliant weave of unique language, testimonials, and practical play-based exercises, The Art of Limitless Living provides multiple access points for creating new self-loving maps to help navigate through...
My Journey Through Time with Dena Merriam
Dena recounts memories of 7 previous births in different parts of the world, in different cultures and religions. We begin to see themes emerge from the past that still shape her life today. These narratives are no...
Mythology Greek Reading Cards with Alison Chester-Lambert and Richard Crookes
The mythology of ancient Greece gave the people their history, moral principles, laws, and their spiritual support. All aspects of human nature and experience had accompanying gods and goddesses that could be refer...
The Creation Frequency with Author, Entreprenuer, and Philanthropist Mike Murphy
By using the creation frequency, or the vibration at the heart of the universe, Mike went from being a broke, desperate, divorced, alcoholic young man to a wealthy businessman, loving husband, father and passionate...
Angel Insights: Taurus New Moon and Accepting Change
Tune in for angel insights with Dr Jenn on how this Taurus New ...
Good News: From Care for the Aging and Veterans or Brain Tumors to Breast Cancer - Hear F...
Cindy Baier shares tips to restore balance to a caregiver's life. There are 40+ million unpaid caregivers in the US. Research at Brookdale Senior Living is uncovering how best to tailor care to support the caregive...
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Cindy Baier , Dr. Terri Gleason , Dr. Roger Stupp , Dr. Kristi Funk
PGS Intuition- Your Personal Guidance System with Award Winning Filmmaker & Author Bill B...
Bill Bennett heard a voice while driving early one morning. The voice told him to slow down. He was approaching an intersection, and fortunately Bill listened to that voice and he did slow down, because a huge truc...
Raw: My Journey from Anxiety to Joy with Author Bella Mahaya Carter
A discussion with Bella Mahaya Carter, author of the memoir, Raw, which Independent Publisher calls an “Indie Groundbreaking Memoir.”Raw is the story of one woman’s quest for ...
Mindful Body: Build Emotional Strength and Manage Stress with Body Mindfulness with Autho...
How Does Your Mind Live In Your body? How Can Body Awareness Change Your Life Experience?By waking up to how we hold life experience in our bodies, we have the power and choice to improve physical, ment...