Archived Episodes
The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition with Author & Astrologe...
The Missing Element is a chance to understand the uniqueness of your personality. Silverman provides a language that allows you to have compassion for how different, weird and individualistic we each are.
Annette Rodgers: Discovering Spirituality
Annette Rogers says: I grew up in a very loving family and my mum believed in and saw spirit but when I was young I wasn't interested in any sort of religion although I believed in "God." It wasn't until my daughte...
Goodnews Segment: Medicare Open Enrollment & Choosing Plans, VA Caregiving, Small Busines...
Dr. Courtney Van Houtven - Building a Nation of Caregivers - VA Medical Centers Provide a System-Wide Standard of Care for Eligible VeteransSharon Miller - Small busine...
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Courtney Van Houtven , Sharon Miller , John Hammarlund , Dan Tufto
Inner Reflections: Angel Messages Dec. 2017
Dr Jenn delivers angels messages and insights for the ...
Are You A Rebel Without A Claus? Tired Of Fowl Conversation Around The Dinner Table? with...
Creating a magical wonderland of perfection while pursuing career goals, raising brilliant children, looking great and making things look great is hard work! Help is on the way! Clear the energy between family memb...
“Know Thy Self” is Critical for Conscious Creation
The term “Know Thy Self” is something that has been stressed in many different religions and spiritual movements. Today’s question is; what is the importance of “Knowing Thy Self” when...
Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain: Discover the Secret Language of the Night with Autho...
A dream is not just white noise or something that happens to you while you sleep. Dreams are the secret language of your unconscious. So often when we awake we find that our dreams have either evaporate...
Goodnews Segment: Medicare Open Enrollment, Living with COPD, the Age of Personal Robots,...
Rebecca Rabbitt - Medicare Open Enrollment Ends Soon: Are You and/or Your Parents Covered?Dr. Shannon Kasperbauer - What Everyone Should Know About Living with the Chro...
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Rebecca Rabbitt , Dr. Shannon Kasperbauer , Dr. Cynthia Breazeal , Dr. Peter Toth
Encore: Preparing for the Afterlife with Viven Perumal
People can prepare themselves for the transition to the Afterlife. Viven will describe how he helps individuals to make this process more spiritual and meaningful.
Encore: Soul Whispering: the Art of Awakening Shamanic Consciousness with Linda Star Wolf...
Discover how YOU can use ancient indigenous practices to AWAKEN your Shamanic Consciousness!Sharing the ageless wisdom of their collective shamanic experiences and personal journey work- and providing a...
Encore: Soul Messages: The Quest for Answers
Soul messages deliver important insights and guidance unique to each in...
Good News Segment: Men's Health News, USO Pathfinder Program, CVS Health & Cancer Resear...
Dr. Edward Schaeffer - NOVEMBER IS Men’s Health Awareness Month (Movember). Can Prostate Cancer be found early? Dr. Schaeffer discusses signs and treatment options. Dr. JD...
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Edward Schaeffer , Dr. JD Crouch , Rusty Robertson & Karen Taphorn , Dr. William T. Cefalu
Good News Segment: Value of After School Programs, American Legion's 'Family 1st' Agenda,...
Jodi Grant & Sage Learn - Lights On Afterschool. Afterschool programs across the country keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and give working parents peace of mind that their children are saf...
Monday, November 20, 2017
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Jodi Grant & Sage Learn , Denise H. Rohan , Shawn Achor , Adina Renee Adler
Earth and Vibrational Changes with Zoe Kelly
Why do we feel there is so much chaos in the world? Presently, changes in the earth are shifting everyone on a vibrational level. This program will discuss personal rebirth in a time of change. Listeners are ...
How Healthy Is Your House?
Mary Jane Mack takes in callers to discuss the importance of keeping your house a healthy house.
Soul Messages: The Quest for Answers
Soul messages deliver important insights and guidance unique to each in...
Séance: Magic or Religion? With Dr. Susan Barnes
A séance is described as a session or sitting. It is also defined as a Spiritualist attempt to contact the spirits of the dead. Find out about what can ha...
Busting Through the CRUST that Holds You Back from Achieving Your Best Life!
A look at what it means to bust through your own crust. Crustbusting with Dr. Pat. A special episode where we take it back to where the show all started. Dr. Pat discusses what Crustbusting™ meant to her when...
Susanne Wilson: The Carefree Medium
Susanne Wilson is an evidence-based medium and spiritual teacher. Born gifted, Susanne hid in the “psychic closet” while working as a corporate executive and university director, ...
Why Your Child Will Need a SMART CARD to Thrive in the Future with Debbie Pokornik
The generation of children being raised right now will require skills and abilities that many parents don't have on their radar, much less know how to teach. There is a major shift happening in our world that will ...