Archived Episodes
Activate Your Cosmic DNA with Eva Marquez
Did you know that we all carry with in us the spiritual DNA of our cosmic family? In her new book, Cosmic DNA author and channel Eva Marquez will teach you how to discover your starseed lineage. Learn how to activa...
Unlocking The Ancient Secrets to Healing with Gail Lynn
Why science is looking to the past for the future of medicine. Call in to the show with your questions 1.800.930.2819
Am I an Empath? with Special Guest Allyson Blythe
What is the difference between the feeling of empathy vs being an Empath and how you can find out more! https://www.fac...
Encore: Choosing your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Dana Pellegrini
I am super excited to bring in my special guest, Dana Pellegrini to this episode! She is my dear friend and client, as well as a true Soul Sister. Dana has been a lifelong student and teacher of awakeni...
Education Funding-Steve Rueschhoff!
Steve Rueschhoff discusses new study by Edward Jones on the importance of saving for higher education. Nearly half of Americans do not believe they are saving enough for education. Learn a...
Having Fully Expressed Polyamorous Relationships with Elizabeth Cunningham
Do you believe that you have to sacrifice parts of yourself when creating relationships? When you get in relationships do you automatically assume that it's normal to hide different aspects of who you are? Do you h...
Down to Earth Psychic Medium meets Woo-Woo Queen with special guest- Veronica Drake
LIVE CALL-IN SHOW 1-800-930-2819 **** Get a reading, ask for clarity, receive healing**** Veronica Drake, international speaker, past life reader, and spiritual messenger joins ...
Building a Healthy Life with Karissa Adkins
In today’s world, It has become far too easy to put our own health and happiness on the backburner. However, with a solid game plan for success, a strong mindset, and a lifestyle full of healthy habits you to...
Love in the Time of Impermanence with Matthew McKay
Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compas...
Three Foundations of Strength: Power, Fearlessness and Resilience with Special Guest Sara...
True strength provides us with steady protection against the challenges of life. When we access our true strength, it shows itself in different forms. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they ex...
The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness with Special Guest Peggy Willms
The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness is a compilation book written with 40 Contributing Authors to be released this summer. The Co-Authors are Peggy Willms, certified health and wellness expe...
Use of Animals in Deadly Experiments-Emily Trunnell! Job Seekers Lack Skills to Access Go...
Dr. Trunnell discusses PETA scientists' Research Modernization Deal (RMD), a detailed strategy for ending animal experiments. The RMD plan can save the lives of billions of animals every year! FREE...
Friday, June 10, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Emily Trunnell Ph.D., Steven Preston , Eileen Aparis
Choosing Your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Cheryl Clark
This episode is going features a very accomplished business strategist as well as a humanitarian and leader, Cheryl Clark. She is going to share with us her amazing story of survival and how she was a...
The Dance Between Ego & Soul with Claudia-Sam
Choosing between the mind and the heart, or in other words, between a life led from Fear and a life led from Love.
The Mysticism in Ancient Sanskrit with Sarah Mane
Sanskrit has a mysterious and mystical power. Even for those who know little about it, the shape of the letters and the beauty of the sound is magnetic. Join Dr Pat and her guest Sarah Mane as they ...
How to love our bodies and tune into our inner wisdom with special guest Martine Emmons
Gratitude for this beautiful vessel that houses our souls!!
The Condor and the Eagle Prophecy as a mirror of our time with Itzhak Beery
Ancient prophecies of the High Andes and Brazilians Amazon foresaw these coming times of profound transitions, and we may want to take note, of these optimistic perspectives.
Spirit Partners for Life with Special Guest David Buck
This episode is our Spirit Partners episode and Pam will be interviewing her special guest and co-host David. We will be speaking about the energetics of our sacred marriage and how we moment to moment create...
ANGEL FIRST AID TECHNIQUES with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Improve your life through the use of Angel First Aid Techniques. These include visualizations and remedies for all facets of life--love, relationships, health, career, and finances. Allow yourself to be elevated to...
Your Life, Your Transformation with Christine Clark
Transformation is the name of the game of Life. Whether you want to deepen your love relationship, make that side hustle your primary endeavor, climb a mountain, write your book, or expand your business it requires...
Manifest and Rediscover with Tiffany Watkins
Realizing the path you’re on isn’t leading you anywhere near where you want to be in life can be confusing and scary. Let’s talk about the ways that you can redirect yourself and transform into th...
Metaphysical skills - everyone needs now! with special guest hosts Jason and Patricia Rohn
Metaphysics has been discredited for years and is not considered creditable in scientific and evidence-based bodies of knowledge! In this show we will make the case for everyone to know and study metaphysics ...
Channeled Messages with special guest host- Pam Bright
Dr. Pat has graciously given Pam Bright her platform today for The Empower Me Show. As we navigate through many changes in 2022, the month of May brings with it the energies of rebirth, new beginnings, spring...