Archived Episodes
The Secret Weapon to...
Let's talk about small but impactful ways to maintain balance in our lives during these difficult and stressed filled days of 2020 and beyond. Watch live on Facebook.
High-Heeled Go-Givers Steppin...
Learn how to be a Go-Giver while you create and grow a wildly successful, online business & make a killer living...without killing the environment. Watch live on Facebook.
Dr. Rhonda Medows discusses how new connected health modules are revolutionizing the workplace regarding prevention opportunities and education for employees on their helath status. Tools to help employees stay hea...
Archangel Raphael: Self...
Archangel Raphael is known as the healing angel or physician of heaven. The perfect angel to guide us thr...
Deva: Our Relationship...
This comprehensive, readable introduction to the Deva Kingdom explains not only the Angelic realm that overlights Nature but how Deva gifts us our experience of being human on planet Earth. DEVA combines a metaphys...
The 7 Secrets To Transforming...
How do you unlock your intuition and open yourself to what the universe wants to manifest through you...?
Schneider! Stewart! Horse...
Schneider! Stewart! Kathy Guillermo discusses the changes PETA is trying to enact to protect horses at the country's racetracks and w...
Angel Support for a Balanced Life...
The secret of a life well-lived is staying balanced. Stability is an important aspect of spirituality. Robert is the Angel of Balance. He assists with attaining equilibium or stability for centering and grounding. ...
The 1st Amendment -...
The First Amendment says this but has never really been our story to Peaceably Assemble. This country started with one of the largest protests in our history. The Boston Tea Part and then The Revolution. ...
Sept 2020 Angel Insights:...
September 2020 arrives with strong energetic patterns. We’ll check in with Archangels Michael, Hani...
Exploring the Mysteries of the...
Join Guest Host Ameera Beth Mer Healer with special guest Celtic Shaman Jeremy White as we take a journey into the Mythology and mysteries of Avalon, The Norse Gods and the power of Runes for Divination. Jeremy wil...
Guest Host Julia Griffin: Letting...
Julia Griffin and Sarah Seidelmann will talk about Letting Life Get Better and How to Expand Your Life through noticing how life responds to you. We'll talk about meditation, animal helpers, and developing the righ...
Guest Host Laura Hosford:...
Become the Change of the New Earth Vibration Watch live on Facebook.
Guest Host Dr. Mariangela...
In this episode I interview educator, author, and consultant Dr. Diane Goodman about her work helping individuals and organizations create environments that allow all people to feel valued, be treated fairly, and a...
Guest Hosts Jason and Patricia...
I knew I was here to do something special but I didn’t know what, so I started to do every self-help self-improvement, program, book or method possible. Nothin...
Guest Host Lisa Ann: ABC’s of...
Angels are all around, but do you know how many there really are? Do you know what they are in charge of helping you with? There are the big guns, joy guides, helpers, runners, healers, protectors and MORE!! Join m...
Archangel Haniel: Awakening...
When your soul awakens, you'll be free to be thee. - Jenn Royster...
Guest Host Ellen Stewart:...
How does a recovery coach help someone stay clean and sober? Did you know that recovery coaching adages work for everyone? Learn how to keep your life on track with powerful tips and tools from two recovery coaches...
From Drama to Dharma with...
How can we move out of 3D Drama into 5D Dharma? How can we move out of survival and suffering? How do we thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually within the physical plane? C...
Guest Host Jennifer Bloome:...
What does your money heartbreak look like, feel like and how do you know you have it? What do you really want to experience with money? Find out the tools and tips to move you through the heartbreak. Watch ...
Women Who Push For More with...
What is this show all about? Why is it so important Now?