psychic talk radio
Aliveness Now!™  The Chakra-Fueled Adventures of Dr. David: The Missing Pieces ~ Your Inner Stories

Aliveness Now!™ The Chakra-Fueled Adventures of Dr. David: The Missing Pieces ~ Your Inner Stories

  03/24/2025  12:00 pm PDT

Aliveness Now! ~ The Missing Pieces ~ Your Inner Stories Wisdom Acknowledgement CreateWisdom ClearYourStories YourInnerMuseumWelcome to the third episode of "Aliveness Now! ~ The Missing Pieces"

In this episode, Dr. David Breitbach, and his alter egos, take you on a deep journey to uncover more “Missing Pieces.” They are the answers, insights, and practices unlocking profound aliveness in your life, great relationships with others, and your path to enlightening spirituality. 


What’s inside this episode?

Dr. David shares further secrets to live profoundly alive. In this episode you learn about the effects of stories you hold onto inside, and how to turn them into Wisdom, Empathy, and Aliveness!  Also, you learn about how the Catalyst of Acknowledgment, and the Guide of Wisdom help you have deep, energizing relationships. You go to Stockholm, Sweden to experience demonstrations of Dr. David's story-clearing process. And, Dr. David takes you on a Stockholm Museum Tour designed to help you explore the stories in your own museum of the past, and to help you create an inner museum of your successes.


Dr. David’s alter egos bring quirky fun and unexpected depth.  Acknowledgement and the science of catalysts are explained by Dr. Chakra-Chakra (Bill Nye-style!)  He visits an ancient theater in Italy, journeys to Stockholm, Sweden to help you understand Wisdom and your Stories (think Carmen Sandiego’s lively uncle.)  And, he brings a dash of warmth and care as Mr. Rogers’ spiritual neighbor Mr. David to understand your relationship guides. 


This is a variety show for the soul! Dr. David makes learning how to feel alive, have amazing relationships, and experience deep spirituality fun, easy to understand, and full of joy. With a splash of 90s nostalgia, bright chakra colors, and a ton of personality, this episode has you feeling energized, enlivened, and empowered to take on life like never before!


Subscribe to "Aliveness Now!" because more episodes filled with depth, humor, healing, and life-changing insights are on the way! 


Watch Aliveness Now! live March 24 at noon Pacific time! Watch here:


Dr. David Breitbach Aliveness Now! The Missing Pieces

Dr. David Breitbach

Aliveness Now!™ The Chakra-Fueled Adventures of Dr. David2nd & 4th Mondays 12pm PT / 3pm ET   Are you ready to gain profound Aliveness in your life? I am D...

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