psychic talk radio
Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: For the workaholic who wants out

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: For the workaholic who wants out

  06/16/2022  03:30 pm PST

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: For the workaholic who wants outIf you wake up, check your phone, go to work, check your phone, come home, do more social media or TV, and then go to bed exhausted, disconnected and drained... this is for you!

Instead of getting stuck in the busy-ness of what cities can offer up, this week Claudia-Sam chose to connect with her being-ness, her energy, the essence of who she is and make that a priority while spending a day in the hustle.

In this episode of the Be Happy Now show, Claudia-Sam opens up about her old Life as a City-Lover and how the difference with the calmness of where she lives now matches the dance between Ego & Soul.

You will learn:

  • 3 commitments to align with, daily, so that you can get through a busy day in the hustle of the City without feeling drained or overworked
  • How to not let the Busy get to you so that you don't end your day exhausted
  • A meditation to ground your energy and align with Positive Energy Source (instead of being overwhelmed by the hustle of "doing more more more")

To get you own personalized self-care audit for free, go to

Or go to to know more about Claudia-Sam's Tune-In method and how it can support you to get out of the overworking way of life.


Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé, your Soul Connection Coach, the Be Happy Now show

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex your Soul Connection Muscle and Be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment Are you ready to ditch the self-care guilt and quit the go-go-go-...

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