psychic talk radio
Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Where are WE in this Divine Ascension Galactically? 
Commander ILTRIN SISTON of the Ashtar Command joins us!

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Where are WE in this Divine Ascension Galactically? Commander ILTRIN SISTON of the Ashtar Command joins us!

  02/21/2024  09:00 am PDT

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Where are WE in this Divine Ascension Galactically? 
Commander ILTRIN SISTON of the Ashtar Command joins us!
I have so much Respect and Appreciation for this Divine Being!  Commander ILTRON SISTON is a full on Conscious being in an Earth Avatar who is 1000 % committed to doing Her work here and NOW.  

We are so very Close to bringing in ALL that is to be the Golden Age of Mother Earth and ALL upon her.

I am honored that this amazig Being has come forward to be apart of my Show. 

We have a Special connection and Integrity, Love & Respect govern that connection.  She will share Truths of some her missions and allow US to have an inside look of things that The Ashtar Command are assisting with for our Divine Planet and ALL upon her.  

Commander ILTRON SISTON recieved special information about how to infuse organites with crystal and metals for amazing healing, clearing and activation.  We will be sharing about this and where you can get yours today as well.

I am really excited for this show.  Join US!


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Patricia McNair

Patricia McNair

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