psychic talk radio
Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: From Universal Spirituality to Organized Religions: Exploring the Full Spectrum of Faith

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: From Universal Spirituality to Organized Religions: Exploring the Full Spectrum of Faith

  05/20/2024  08:00 am PST

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: From Universal Spirituality to Organized Religions: Exploring the Full Spectrum of FaithIn this episode we are going to take you on a fantastic adventure as Rev. Dr. Kimmie Van Duijkeren and I explore the differences and interconnections between spirituality and religion.  Since the dawn of humanity, people have sought to understand and connect to the Divine, the Source of all life.  Different cultures and different peoples have come up with many ways to define, experience and express this connection.  Let’s go explore!


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Dr. Diane Garrison Ph.D.

Dr. Diane Garrison Ph.D.

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full PowerEvery 1st & 3rd Monday8am PT / 11am ET   Are you ready to unleash the Wise Goddess within? O...

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Dr. Kimmie Van Duijkeren MSc

Dr. Kimmie Van Duijkeren MSc

As an Ordained Minister since 2003, I am committed to guiding people to connect with their Inner Deity and live a spiritually fulfilling life. As a Spiritual Life Coach and ...

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Wendy R. Wolf