Forging A Life with Coach Christine Clark: Igniting Full Circle Success: Contact
03/22/2022 11:00 am PDT
In the making of a katana nothing happens unless the hammer makes contact with the steel. Contact is where the metal is moved. When the hammer connects to the steel a magnificent highly functional work of art emerges. Contact is also where you move, experience, grow. When we have regular daily connection with our purpose a significant life develops. We stay in motion, in flow, in balance. Everything comes together and we know, beyond a doubt, we have what it takes. Join Coach Christine in this vital conversation for success on your terms.
Episode giveaways:
- Blaze in 2022 Coaching Program. Submit your name, phone number, and email address to for your opportunity to have FREE private coaching with Christine.
Christine Clark
Forging A Life with Coach Christine: Igniting Full Circle Success Are you a little overwhelmed? Feeling isolated, angry, frustrated, unacknowledged, or fearful? Do you find...
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