psychic talk radio
Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: Encore: Creating a Global Culture of Real Life Jedi Guardians

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: Encore: Creating a Global Culture of Real Life Jedi Guardians

  05/04/2016  02:00 pm PDT

May the Fourth Be With You! In honor of today's special Star Wars holiday (May 4th) We are pleased to present an encore of our show on Real Life Jedis!


In this session with Kelly Neff, special guest Adam Apollo discusses new progress toward a Unified Field Theory, the truth about the lost philosophy of the Aether, and the emergent global community of Guardians dedicated to bringing local sovereignty and peace to planet Earth. Adam Apollo has been a featured speaker at the White House, United Nations, and has been invited to present for decades of conferences and events around the world. He currently has over 5000 students in his work as a faculty member and mentor across multiple online Academies.


Dr. Kelly Neff

Dr. Kelly Neff

Every First Wednesday at 10 am pt / 1pm et. Let's Get LUCID! Lucid Planet Radio will empower you to transform your lives and re-shape your world. Tune in to learn how t...

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 Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology and the future at the White House, in a UN summit, and at conferences and festivals around the wo...

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