psychic talk radio
Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: ATTENTION LADIES: Are You Happy With You?

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: ATTENTION LADIES: Are You Happy With You?

  02/24/2023  12:30 pm PDT

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: ATTENTION LADIES: Are You Happy With You? ATTENTION: Are You Happy With You? 


Our topic today is Are You Happy With You? Now this is a question many of us do not ask ourselves… but why not? 


The thing is How can we be happy with self when most of us do not take the time to find out who we are, what we need and what we want out of life? 


When you are happy with you, and have the ability to replenish yourself – everyone benefits.


Ok, so is it time to ask yourself, Am I Happy With Me?


If you have come to a point in your life where you are just tired of the mess – whatever ‘mess’ means to you. Maybe you feel like you are just existing in life and You want more but have no idea how to get more?


Join me 12:30pm PST and let me share a little of what happened when I asked and answered  “Am I happy with me?”


Rosita M. Perez

Rosita M. Perez

I have spent decades of my life wearing various masks to be accepted, liked and even loved. Unknowingly I severed ties to the core of who I am. I muted my own voice so I cou...

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