psychic talk radio
Spirit Fire Radio: The Time Is Now

Spirit Fire Radio: The Time Is Now

  06/01/2016  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: The Time Is Now"The time is now," but then again, how can it not be? Being present to one's life keeps this tagline vibrant and full of potential; this is Living Awareness.

We start a brand new round of The Practice of Living Awareness meditations on June 6th. Our organization's founder, Donna Mitchell-Moniak, dedicates each morning to offering a new meditation to those who would like to partake. They're online, they're free, and they take you through 14 weeks unfolding a greater participation in the daily life you that you are creating as you go. 

This week, Donna will join us to chat about her time on the meditation cushion. Each round of the practice is unique... the live practitioners are new, the inspirations are new, each and every meditation is new. What does now hold for her in this moment? What do the next 14 weeks have in store energetically, astrologically, seasonally?  We're looking forward to the new round of Living Awareness and the delightful variety of guests we've got lined up to discuss the myriad of ways that the tools of meditation express in the world around us. But first up... Donna! Our conversations with her are always a joy! 


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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 Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center’s Founder is Donna Mitchell-Moniak. She is an author, lecturer, teacher, and mother. Through the course of her spiritual and meditative...

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Wendy R. Wolf