The Animals iView with Lizanne Flynn: Guest Kathleen Peterson- From Archangel Michael to Isis to Metatron to Athena: Channeled Messages of Love and Compassion.
11/21/2013 09:00 am PST
All sorts of light beings are around us all of the time just waiting to hear us say - "I need your help". From the archangels to gods and goddesses and Ascended Masters they have but one focus: answering your call for support and love. Find out what message a particular light being has just for you by calling in for a live reading.
Lizanne Flynn
The Animal's iView with Lizanne Flynn is a hit radio show that illuminates the heart-centered bond of animal and human as souls destined to find each other in a lifetime. Li...
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Kathleen Peterson
Kathleen Peterson is an internationally known channel and author of the book WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, Messages From The Archangels & Other Light Beings. She has been offering me...
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