psychic talk radio
The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 30.  Following through - defense against your psychology

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 30. Following through - defense against your psychology

  08/05/2022  09:00 am PDT

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 30.  Following through - defense against your psychology How many times do we find ourselves saying we are going to start doing this or stop doing that and we excuse ourselves from our commitments?  We tolerate not honoring our word.  In fact, we have created an entire identity and mindset around not following through.  Why would we do that?  Because we haven't learned how to play defense.  I am going to share with you 7 ideas on how to play defense with your psychology.  This defense is what is required to follow through on your commitments, your goals and your habits.  Can't wait to have this conversation with you!  


My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast and through my online coaching community Becoming. I wish I could get this work into the hands of every woman I know. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them. Or if you want to love doing this life better - book your first session with me for free -

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