The Coach Peggy Show - All Things Wellness™ with Peggy Willms: Big Idea to Big Business. 7 steps to Accomplishing More in Life & Business with Guest: Isabel Donadio
11/17/2020 03:00 pm PDT
On her way to becoming the next Top 30 under 30 award winner, Isabel Donadio has gone from Miss Teen California to a savvy and successful business owner, author, and speaker.
We will chat about her new book, Finishing is Happiness - 7 Steps to Procrastinating Less and Accomplishing More whether you want to turn a big idea or hobby into BIG Business or fight back against your DNA screaming you are not a finisher so just quit. Isabel has the plan to ensure you are a finisher.
Isabel also feels very strongly that local networking is dead and she is fired up to share with you How to Create High Profit, Low Maintenance Joint Ventures that Lead into Long-Term Business Relationships.
Don't miss this episode of The Coach Peggy Show with Isabel Donadio.
Peggy Willms
The Coach Peggy Show with Peggy Willms: All Things Wellness™ We talk to REAL people about REAL problems, discover REAL solutions producing REAL results, and ultimately...
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Isabel Donadio
Isabel Donadio is the founder of Talent Support Services, the majority owner of Speaker House Publishing, the best-selling author of Finishing is Happiness, Editor-In-Chief ...
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